Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Ancestral Findings Posts a Great Tip!

In today's Ancestral Findings newsletter, I received the following tip:

 Writing a Family History
Your recent comments about writing a family history interested me.

My opinion is that you should start writing the book at the beginning. I started writing the book on my PC at the beginning (15 years ago) and update it continually. It also includes an autobiography of me and now has 500 pages in two volumes without pictures. The reason why I believe that this is important is because I realized that if I should die no one could make any sense out of my files.

Now I send a copy online to my children once a year. This is also an excellent backup of my data. This copy is also without pictures, which are in a separate file, because this file is too large to send.

As you mentioned, one is never finished researching, but this way my children will have the most up-to-date version if something happens to me. T

hanks to George Campbell for today's Quick Tip. - Read More Tips


I rather like this idea! While I haven't even begun writing my family history in a narrative manner yet, [yeah, yeah, I know, I'm such a procrastinator!], I do update it regularly with the genealogy program's "Book" feature. While this is great in itself, and does include my notes from the program, it can be rather daunting to try to read it at leisure. I really do need to get busy and at least get started on a narrative!!! But when I look at the "Book" that is put together from my genealogy program, I am a bit overwhelmed at starting the task. It is now 994 pages!!! And yes, that's with no photos! UGH!!!

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