
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tombstone Tuesday - Ettiene and Francois Banet

Banet Ici repose le corps de Etienne BANET nee a Arcey cantons de Lisle dt du Douhs, FRANCE ne le 17 Ferrier 1795 decede le 18 Apr 1871 dpouse de Francois BIDAINE agede 76 ans

Bidaine Ici repose corpse de Francois BIDAINE ne a Arcey Canton de Sisle dt. Du Doubs, FRANCE ne le 18 Avril 1802 decede 16 Mars 1877 epouse d. Etionne BANET aged de 75

St. Mary's of the Knobs Church and Cemetery
Floyds Knobs, Floyd County, Indiana

Ettiene Banet [1795-1871] was born in Arcy, France, to Ettiene Banet, Sr. and his wife Jeanne Claudine Guignard. He married Francoise Bidaine [1802 - 1877] on 01 Oct 1821 in Arcy.

The couple had 7 known children before arriving in New Orleans in 1836 aboard the Brig Criterion: Paul Louis, Francois, Francois-Emanuel (1825-1828), Josef Alexandre, Josephine, Isadore, and Ferre'ol.

After they arivedin this country, they moved north from New Orleans to Floyd County, Indiana. And the couple went on to have Aime Appolinare, Adele Philomene, Joseph Ettiene, Catherine and Adolpj J., for a total of 12 known children.

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