
Monday, October 10, 2011

Amanuensis Monday - The Ship Criterion Arrives

The Brig Criterion arrived in New Orleans, Louisiana in August of 1836, having sailed from Le Havre, France. Among it's many passengers came my great-great-great-grandparents, Ettiene Banet and his wife Francoise Bidaine, and several of their children.

[page 1]

REPORT and List of the Passengers taken on board the Brig Criterion of Portsmouth [??]
whereof William Tisdale is Master, burthen two hundred & forty one tons and 89/95ths of a ton, bound from the Port
of Havre France for New Orleans"

We then skip down to line 29 where we find the following [which is continued onto the second page]
Etiene BANET    41    Male   Farmer    Place of Birth: France      Dest: US
Franciscus "         34    Female               "                      "                  "
Louis "                 14    Male                  "                      "                  "
Alexandre "            8    Male                 "                      "                   "
Francois "             12    Male                 "                     "                    "
Josephine "             5    Female             "                      "                    "
Isidor "                   3    Male                 "                      "                    "
Ferol "                  15    Male                 "                     "                     "

The young boy, Isidor, who is only 3 at the time of their arrival to New Orleans, was my great-great-grandfather.

The family were stonemasons by trade, and they migrated north to Floyd County, Indiana where descendants can be found to this day.

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