
Friday, March 26, 2010

Follow Friday - Olive Tree Genealogy

Today I'd like to introduce you to Genealogy Blogger at Olive Tree Genealogy.

According to the author's profile: "I'm an incurable genealogist as well as avid collector of antiques. I have a collection of over 3,000 cdvs (Cartes de Visite) from the Civil War era and am running out of room for all my antique photo albums." [Just the kind of person I can add to my friends list!]

Olive Tree Genealogy is bound to have an answer for just about any genealogy question you can think of!

The author also writes Antique Hunter; Ask Olive Tree Genealogy A Question; Past Voices: Letters Home  [with GeneaGal]; Olive Tree Genealogy Blog; Ancestors at Rest [with Bryan]; Family Bibles [with GeneaGal]; and The Paper Trail [also with GeneaGal].

Looking for an answer, or just a way to spend a refreshing bit of time, then head on over to Olive Tree Genealogy Blog. You'll have a great time!

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