
Friday, March 26, 2010

Fearless Females - 3/26/10

Thanks to the Accidental Genealogist for the Blogging Prompts for Fearless Females for March!

March 26 — What education did your mother receive? Your grandmothers? Great-grandmothers? Note any advanced degrees or special achievements.

My grandmothers neither one got more than a very elementary education. Both enjoyed reading, but neither had a formal education. As far as I know, my great-grandmothers did about the same.

My mother. however, not only graduated from high school, but went on to obtain a degree in theology and religious studies from Liberty University in the very early 1980's. She also took many short courses in areas of interest before that [H.R. Block income tax preparation being one that I can recall.]

My mother was always one to highly encourage advanced education, and of her four children, three of us have obtained collegic degrees.

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