
Friday, May 25, 2018

Keyboard Shortcuts

A long while back I copied a short cut cheat sheet and laminated it. It stays on my desktop, under my laptop when the secretary is open. When I put my laptop away, (okay that's a joke, I seldom ever do that, but when I do) it goes in the single drawer of the little desk. (That little desk will make its debut on here sometime. A lovely little handmade secretary desk estimated to have been built by an amateur cabinet maker about 1770-1800. Still wearing its original black painted exterior and red painted interior. A gift from my Mother many years ago.) But I digress.

Below is a copy of the cheat sheet that helps me keep several blogs running. As well as getting me through my doctoral thesis! I hope you will find it helpful.

I wish I knew who to credit this to. But I've had it for years. It's been saved on every computer I've ever owned. I simply keep transferring it forward. I see some online that are similar. And I even saw one on Pinterest that I think is the same one, but there is no credit to who actually did the chart. 

I'm pretty sure if you click on the chart, it will take you to a copy of the original size of the document. Which will make this easier to copy. Or if it doesn't you can email me, and I will be happy to send you a copy of the jpeg file.

Thank you to whomever originally did this! I use it all the time!

Here's a great book available that you can purchase with keyboard shortcuts if you are interested!

Or you can also purchase a laminated copy that contains the above entries here as well. 

If you have found this information helpful, please leave us a note in the comments! We'd love to hear from you!

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