
Thursday, May 31, 2018

A Recommendation

I don't do this often, except when I am really impressed. Today I came across a genealogy web site that did just that.

Genealogy Girl Talks.

What lead me to this site was a Pin  on I have been a fairly new Pinterest participant. At least when compared to many of these participants! But an article the author placed in 2014 is what lead me there, and I highly recommend it: How To Use Pinterest For Your Family History

This is a great article. And I think you will find it informative for assisting you in keeping track of some of your finds.

Also, you will note that in her most recent post, Genealogy Girl will be starting a June Photo Challenge on the 1st! Sounds very interesting, and I may just have to participate! So be watching for updates and think about participating yourself!

Now, go forth and enjoy!

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