
Friday, July 14, 2017

Friday's Faces From the Past - Frank Banet

Francis Isidore Banet
15 Aug 1863 - 09 Apr 1948

Francis (Frank) Isidore Banet was born 15 Aug 1863 in Floyd County, Indiana. He was the son of Isidore Banet (1832-1901) and Rosalie Sprigler (1836-1904). His father had been born in France. His mother in Floyd County.

Frank met a lovely woman named Adeline Josephine Eve (11 Feb 1867 - 05 Nov 1958). She had lost her mother, Annette DuBois, when she was only 4 years of age, and her mother's sister came to live with the family, and take care of Annette's 6 children. Instead of simply moving in, which would have been unseemly at the time, a single woman living with a widowed man, she ended up marrying Adeline's father. This aunt, now step-mother, was also named Adeline. She would then add another 7 children to the family, for a total of 13.

Frank and Adeline Eve were married 31 Oct 1893, in Floyd County.  They went on to have 8 children:
* Robert (1894-1970)
* Arthur (1896-1974)
* Charles (1898-1976)
* Augustin "Gus" (1900-1978)
* Frank E. (1902-1983)
* Clarence (1904-1986)
* Irene (1906-1989)  (Irene was my grandmother.)
* Lorene (1909-2005) 

Frank was a master carpenter. His fine craftsman tools, all hand tools, and none were motorized or electric, were passed to my Grandfather, Henry C. Dreher (1902-1977). Those tools, in their finely made tool chest (a very large, and very heavy chest) are now in my sister's possession, as my Grandfather passed them on to my Dad, who wasn't too shabby with woodworking, either!

Frank was a very tall man, well over six-feet, and Adeline was a very short woman, barely reaching five-feet tall. Both were slender in build, and worked hard on their farm.

I have never found out what Frank's cause of death was. Perhaps simply old age, he was nearly 85 years old when he passed. (Adeline was 91!)

The couple are buried in the Edwardsville Cemetery, in Georgetown, Floyd County, Indiana.

Do you have a family heirloom photo that means a lot to you? (I can honestly say that ALL of my photographs mean the world to me!)

Are you taking good care of them? Let me recommend "Preserving Your Family Photographs" by Maureen A. Taylor (2010) available on Amazon  for $24.99 paperback, or $10.99 Kindle. Taylor gives you alot of good advice and how-to's on preserving those precious photographs! This book has been my go-to guide for all of my photographs!

Take good care of those photographs. Once gone, or lost, they cannot be retrieved!

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