
Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Scam Alert For Beane Family Members!

If any of the Beane family members receive an email from a Frank Bradley his email is, DO NOT engage with this man! He is a bookkeeper who found out some funds in an Equatorial Guinea account are about to revert to that country as a certain man with the last name of Beane has left funds in the bank there and died intestate. I checked and the funds are very real. But when this man contacted me, I did what I do best, genealogy research.

This Beane is NOT, and I repeat, HE WAS NOT, related to our line of Beane's. But this man Frank Bradley will hound you to death! If you receive an email be smart and block him. He likes to mark the email as Urgent, and two of my email accounts let it through.

Again, the deceased man who put the funds in the bank is NOT related to us. He is from another Beane line.

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