
Monday, October 14, 2013

Amaneunsis Monday - The Will of Thomas Pettit

Texican's (dear hubby's) grandmother was a Pettie. Through research, we have found the name had morphed from the 1400's as Pettus, to Pettit, to Petty and some lines, like his grandmother's going to Pettie about 1880.

Many individuals were named Thomas in this very long line. This particular Thomas was born about 1598 in Norwich, Norfolk, England. He immigrated to America, where he married about 1645 to Katherine MORRIS, the daughter of Major George and Eleanor MORRIS.

The following is the Last Will and Testament of Thomas Pettit, Texican's 9th great-grandfather.

Recorded in the Wills of Rappahannock County, Virginia, 1656 - 1692

page 157 - 158

Pettit, Thomas* - 23 September 1663; 7 June 1665

transcribed exactly as printed

"September ye. 23th in ye year of our Lord 1663

I Thomas Pettit of ye County of Rappa. and in ye parish of ffarnham being in a Weak Estate of body but in perfect mind & Memory make this my last Will & Testament, first I bequeath my soul unto Almighty God & my body unto ye ground to be buried with assured belief of the Resurection and that after this life my Soul & body shall be united in one & enjoy that Eternall bliss where my Redemer liveth, First I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Dorothy** three ffemale Cattle, one Cow name Cherry, and two heifers Comonly called by ye name of Goodluck, & Slow them & their Increase, I give unto my aforesd, Daughter & her heirs for Ever but ye Male to remaine to those that look after them until she come of age I do also give and bequeath all my Land yt is Really mine yt is to say a pattent of one hundred acres adjoinging to ye Land I now live on ye which Land encludes two hundred & Eighty acres by conveyance specified this Land heretofore mentioned my aforesaid Daughter Dorothy** is to have when she cometh to age for her & her heirs for Ever, and in case of ye death of my aforesd. Daughter Dorothy before she cometh to Enjoy this Land according to ye term of my will then the sd Land here given unto my Daughter to my Wife Katherine for her & her heirs for Ever & in ye meantime untill my Daughter be of age as aforesd. my wife Katherine to inherit & enjoy for her use in every kind whatsoever not destroying any timber nor to make sale nor diminsh any more than what shall go for ye use of her own housing and Cropps & likewise I doe also include that in case my wife Katherine aforesd. keep her self a Widow that she shall freely and wholly enjoy the Land with the proffits thereof according to ye tenor aforesd. during her life I do also give & bequeath unto my Wife after my Death my debts Satisfyed all ye rest of my personal Estate both within doors & without unto her & her hrs for Ever I doe also here ordaine and apoint my friend Nicholas White and my friend Thomas Cooper overseers of this my last will & Testament ye day & year above written

Thomas Pettit Seal


Richard Glover, aged 37 years or thereabouts.


Richard RN Nightingale, aged 27 years of thereabouts


Robert Davis Cl. Cur.

A true copy THOS. New Dep. Cl.

Truly recorded according to an order of Essex Court dated ye. 11th: March, 1664 "

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