
Monday, January 28, 2013

Ameneunsis Monday - Joseph Wiseman

Page 1 of 36 Revolutionary War Documents

"Monroe County
 On this 27th day of November 1832 personally
appeared before me Hugh Caperton a magistrate in & for said County, and made oath according to law that he was drafted, he thinks, in the month of July 1776 in the County of Berks and state of Pennsylvania to serve a tour of duty of three months, as a soldier in the army of the Revolution of Captain Thomas Perrys Company; that he did serve in said Company the full term of three months & then was discharged in the City of Philadelphia; that in the month of August or September 1778, he volunteered to serve in Captain Nickell's Company for a term of nine months and that he did serve in said Company, in the Carolina's the full term of which time, he received a written discharge from Capt. Nickell for said service as a soldier, during this time of service of nine months he was under the command of Col Lock & Gen Rutherford; that he was in actual service in the Army of the Revolution as a common soldier in the full term of one year, beside being in ____, furlough for the space of three months having substituted to serve in the ______of a an whose name he has forgotten; that he was born in the year 1759 in the County of Berks and State of Virginia Pennsylvania; as he has read the records of it in his Father's bible, from which he recorded it in his own bible which is now in his possession; that he does on the 22nd day of August 1832 in the County Court of Monroe make his declaration, that he is known in his personal neighborhood to William Rice, James Mann, William ____ and Rev. David Riffe who can testify as to his Character for sincerity, and their belief as to his services as a soldier of the Revolution.

Sworn to & subscribed before                                                      Joseph Wiseman
me the 27 day of November 1832
Hugh Caperton, J.P."

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