
Monday, December 24, 2012

Amaneunsis Monday - The Cemetery Plot Purchase

This Indenture Witnesses That
Wolfe Cemetery, INC.
Georgetown, Indiana
In consideration of  One Hundred Dollars, to it paid, hereby sells and conveys
Unto Henry Dreher, the perpetual use and occupancy, for the purpose hereinafter
Mentioned, of the following described parcel of land known as Lot 5 & 7, in Range No. 10 Section 5 of
Plat No. 702 of the
Wolfe Cemetery
Georgetown Township Burying Ground
To have and to hold the same unto the said Henry Dreher and his heirs and assigns
Forever, as a Private Burying Lot, subject to such reasonable regulations for the good government and preservation of said Cemetery as
Said Wolfe Cemetery, INC., shall from time to time establish. It being expressly understood that this conveyance is executed and delivered
With the express reservation of the grantor, that if said premises shall at any time be used by any person whomever for any other purpose
Than herein set out, the use, occupation, rights and privileges granted hereunder shall immediately terminate.
                In Witness Whereof, Wolfe Cemetery, INC., pursuant to authority of its Board of
                Directors, has caused this deed to be executed by its President, attested by its Secretary, and its
                Corporate seal to be affixed this 19 day of May 1970.
[SEAL]                                                                                                   Kevin S. Watts
                                                                                                                Helen Brunson

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