
Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday Mentionables - October 29-November 4, 2012

Sorry this is so brief this week. I spent several days sick with a really bad cough [still fighting off the last of it!]. But here are a few items that I found particularly worth a second look!


Avoiding 5 Common Genealogy and Family History Research Errors
UPFRONT with NGS brings us this article, with some very good advice!

Examples of Food and Beverage in 17th Century Sweden
Heritage Daily brings us this fascinating look into the past.

Archaelogists Reveal Rare Anglo-Saxon Feasting Hall
Heritage Daily tells us of this find.

San Antonio’s Confederate Cemetery
Tombstone Travels brings us this great cemetery. [SA is our “other” home, so this was an especially interesting article for us!]

Ten Tips and Reasons to Transcribe Documents
The In-Depth Genealogist tells us why this skill is so important when doing research!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for mentioning my little blog - Tombstone Travels. Glad you liked it.
