
Monday, September 24, 2012

Monday's Mentionables

Below are but a few of the many wonderful blog posts I have read and felt should be passed on to you this week. If you haven't had the opportunity to read this earlier, please do so now.

Sinking of the ‘Athenia’:  Mythical Family Survival Story Proves to Be Reality
Scott Philipps shares a wonderful story from his family that proved to be true.

Finding the Lost Infants
Genealogy’s Star links us to a tender, heartbreaking story that researchers should read.

Check Every Court
Genealogy Tip of the Day reminds us to check every court for possible records when researching.

Planning a trip to NARA in DC? Check out this YouTube Video!
UpFront with NGS alerts us to some great videos showing how to research at NARA.

List of Links: Digitized Books for Genealogy
Gena’s Genealogy brings us links to great sites with genealogy books we can read online.

A WWI Photo Album is Discovered
Olive Tree Genealogy Blog brings us a great story of finding a treasure in a storage tub!

Supporters Rally Against Georgia Archives Closure
GeneaNet brings us a link to a story of how supporters are fighting for access to the archives.

Searching on Location: Planning a Research Trip
Genealogy Blog brings us a preview of this book by Anne Ross Balhuizen. Getting myself a copy now!

King Richard III Search In New Phase…
Heritage Daily reports with an update on the current dig for King Richard III.

Deal Pledges to Keep Georgia Archives Open

Dead End
Genealogy’s Star tells how some people are totally determined NOT to use a computer with their research.

Using Obituary’s to Find Married Names
The In-Depth Genealogist gives us some great tips on how to use an obituary.

Kid Rock Donates $250K to Detroit Historical Museum
The Detroit News tells the story.

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