When I was growing up, we lived my early years just
one-block away from the Atlantic Ocean in the Navy seaport of Norfolk,
Virginia. Just before entering middle school, we moved a few miles farther
My early memories
include my Grandpa and Grandma Dreher coming down from Indiana to visit us.
Grandpa would walk to the beach each morning and afternoon, and spend hours
just enjoying the solitude, sand and surf. [Yes, I actually remember him saying
those very words!]
One morning, he
came into the house after making a horrendous “whump” on the front porch.
“What was that,
Grandpa?” I asked.
“Something for
your Mother.”
For the next
several days, he carefully allowed it to dry, and slowly refinished it [ a real
no-no today!] and lovingly presented the finished piece to my mother as a gift.
While walking the
beach that morning, he saw something floating in the surf. Completely intact,
although water-logged, he was able to restore it to its original beauty.
A beautiful,
eight-leg, gate-legged table.
This table top is
round [62-inches circumference]. It does have a single silver drawer.
Mother always
treasured this beautiful table, and I’m sure that’s why Grandpa gave it to her.
Today it sits in my sister’s dining room. It isn’t used so frequently as it was
when we were growing up [where has dining at the table gone to?], but it
remains as treasured as it was the day Grandpa presented to Mother!
A very cool find. And even more special because he put so much time in to it.