
Monday, June 25, 2012

We Are Back!

We’re Back!!!!

Yes, we’ve been gone three long weeks, and we’re still not complete with the project we’ve been working on.

I’ve been sick on top of everything. Terrible migraines and neck and shoulder pain. They’ve kept me debilitated for the last 14 days. But I think I am finally on the mend, and hope to have my current project completed within the next week! Hurray! [I’m sure my client will be glad!]

I’ve missed chatting on my various blogs daily. And I’ve missed not being able to read all of the ones I so enjoy!

Isn’t it funny how addicted to our online life we’ve become! I believe I actually went through withdrawal! [LOL]

You can be sure, there were some blogs I saved so that I could catch up on later!

No, no, no… if I mention one, and forget another one, well, you know, I don’t want anyone to feel left out! So, let’s just keep it that I’ll be catching up over the next few days!

I’ve become kind of lazy this past year. I’ve been simply doing the daily blogging prompts, and little else. So while I’ve been out sick, I’ve determined myself to at least write one or two true writing posts a week. [So much of the blogging prompts have become rote for me! And I can put them together without much thought, in no time at all!] So, be watching for those little “extra” posts that will be coming your way.

It’s so good to be back! It’s almost like….coming home!

Howdy ya’all! Why don’t ya drop by tomorrow for some homemade cookies and sweet tea? We can set on the porch and share the afternoon together!

I’ll be watching for ya!

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