
Monday, May 21, 2012

Amaneunsis Monday....80 Acres on Dick's Creek

While one wonders why it has taken so long to notice before, the following land grant for William Bean was for 80-acres of land on Dick's Creek, just across the ridge from his Waiteville property. However, it is in Virginia and not in West Virginia. [At William's death, West Virginia had been separated from Virginia just a short time.]

The grant reads as follows:

"                                                                                        John M Gregory Esquire Lieutenant
William Been       Governor acting as Esquire, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia
         TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME-GREETING: Know ye,That in conforming
80 acres            with a Survey made on the Thirtieth dat of June, 1841,  by virtue of Land Office
                      Treasury warrants - Orig 30 acres by No 14469 issued 30th September 1840 and 50
Giles County   acres by No 9083 31st October 1826
                      There is granted by the said Commonwealth, unto William Been
Delivered        a certain Tract or Parcel of Land, containing eighty acres, situate in Giles County
Col French      on the North fork of Johns or Dicks Creek a branch of Craig's creek
Feby 20th 1843   bounded as followeth Beginning at a white oak and chestnut oak
                        on a line of the 100 tract - on the Ramsey tract and running
                       thence N 65 & 62 poles to a white oak, black oak and chesnut oak by
                       a branch, N25 W42 poles to two pines,S72W84 poles crossing a branch to
                       a white oak S13 E20 poles to a hickory and chesnut oak on a Steep
                       hill side S 37 W 26 poles to two chesnut oaks on a Steep hill side
                       S 24 W 44 poles to a black oak, S36 W 146 poles to three chesnut oaks
                       on a  Spur, S 15 W 46 poles to two white oaks in a hollow by the head of a
                       spring S 28 E 18 poles to three chesnut oak saplings on a Steep Spur
                       S 23 W 59 poles to a hickory, white oak and black oak sapling on a hill side
                       S 50 W29 poles to two pines and a chesnut oak on a hill side due West
                       38 poles to two white oak saplings S 30 W 34 poles to and oak, chesnut oak
                       and white oak on a hill side, corner to Preston's land, and [illegible] it. S26 E
                      70 poles to a white oak and hickory sapling on said line, and leaving it and
                     with the Ramsey lines reversed N 45 E 40 poles to a white oak and dogwood
                     N 4 E 53 poles to a dogwood on the point of a ridge N 54 E 40 poles to two
                     white oakds N 23 E 36 poles to a Spanish oak, N84 E 36 poles to a pine sapling
                     N 23 E 107 poles to a white oak, N 38 E 74 poles to two red oaks, N 15 E 30 poles
                     to chickory sapling, N 36 E 56 poles to a white oak, black oak and red oak
                     and thence S 20 E 27 poles to the beginning with its appurtenances.

                TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Tract or Parcel of Land, with its appurtenances, to the said
                William Been
                and his heirs forever.
               IN WITNESS WHERE OF, the said John M Gregory Esq Lieutenant Esquire,
               Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hath hereunto set his Hand, and caused the
               Lesser Seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed, at Richmond, on the twentieth day of
               July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty two
               and of the Commonwealth the sixty seventh.
                                                                                                 Jn. M. Gregory"

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