
Saturday, March 24, 2012


1) What was the #1 song on the day you were born? Or on your birthday when you were 18? Or when you married? Or some other important date in your life.

2) Go to and enter the date and select from UK, US or Australia record lists. Note: the first date available is 1 January 1946.

Alternatively, go to and enter the month and date and see a list of songs for each year since 1940.

3) Tell us what your results are (If you are sensitive about your age, don't list the date or year... ) on a blog post of your own, a comment to this post, in a Facebook status line, or in a Google Plus Stream note.

On the day I was born: Mack The Knife by Bobbie Darin

On the day I turned 18:  You Light Up My Life by Debby Boone

On the day I turned 21: Woman in Barbara Streisand

On the day of my first marriage:  Fly, Robin Fly - by Silver Convention

On the day of my last marriage: My Heart Will Go One by Celine Dion

Thanks Randy for another great SNGF!

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