
Monday, February 6, 2012

Amaneunsis Monday - John R. Wiseman Dies

Monroe County, West Virginia
Death Register
1881/ Pg 49/ Line 37

WISEMAN, J.B. - White - Nov 21 - Centerville - Old Age - 86y 4m 20d - JH & S Wiseman - Rockingham - BlkSmith - Mary Wiseman -  E. Wilson

Exactly what does this information tell us?

While the name listed is J.B. Wiseman, we know from the information this register entry contains, that his is in reality John Ray Wiseman. It states that he is White, and that he died on November 21st. He died in the community of Centerville, in Monroe County, and the cause of death was old age. He is listed as 86 years of age, 4 months and 20 days. If we take this literally, it would mean he was born on 01 July 1795.  [We know this to be correct, as evidenced by his tombstone.] This also states that his parents are J.H. and S. Wiseman. [John Wiseman and Sarah Greene Wiseman.]  This lists him as being born in Rockingham, Virginia. It is doubtful that he was born in Rockingham. I have been unable to locate evidence of his family ever living there. In all probability, he was born in Berks County, Pennsylvania, just prior to the family migrating into what is now Monroe County. His occupation is listed as BlkSmith, short for Blacksmith. This is confirmed in the Census records we have located for him. His spouse is listed as Mary Wiseman, and this we know also is correct. The informant for the death was E. Wilson, who was also a clerk in the county court at the time.

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