
Monday, January 16, 2012

Amaneunsis Monday - Margaret's Death Certificate

State of W.VA.
County of Monroe
Name: Margaret S. Bean   Sex: Female   Color: White  Age: 65 years 2 months 28 days
Occupation: Housewife  Date of Death: June 11, 1891 P.M.   Widow
Nationality & Place of Birth: American, Greenbrier Co., W.VA.   How long resident in this state? All her life
Place of Death: Waitville, W.VA. [sic]  Cause of Death: Heart Failure
Toxfied Liver [sic]    Paralysis
Duration of Complication: 15 days  Duration of disease: 12 years
Place of Burial: Waitville, W.VA. [sic] Date of Burial: June 13, 1891
Name of Undertaker: P.N. Doss   Residence of Undertaker: Waitville, W.Va. [sic]
                     D.C. Pharr, M.D.
Date: June12, 1891                                                                                
                                        Residence: Gap Mills, W.Va.

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