
Sunday, January 8, 2012

52 Weeks of Abundant Genealogy - Week 2

Week #2 – Paid Online Genealogy Tools

Week 2 – Paid Online Genealogy Tools: Which paid genealogy tool do you appreciate the most? What special features put it at the top of your list? How can it help others with their genealogy research?

Hands down, if I had to pick one online source that I pay for to assist me in genealogy, it is  While certainly not the cheapest, it is by far the best online genealogy assistance you can purchase. With records from around the globe, and of every imaginable style [census, birth, death, social security, tax, estate, military, newspaper, and even other's family trees for comparisons,etc.] your money works out to the best bargain you can find.

Of course, that's not my entire list of genealogy help online. But it is the one which I appreciate the most.

To round out my paid subscriptions, I have two others that fall relatively close to my favorite:  and Footnote. Both of these have given up records and articles that I could not find on Ancestry, and I highly recommend them as well.

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