
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories - December 8

Christmas Cookies

Did your family or ancestors make Christmas cookies? How did you help? Did you have a favorite cookie?

I can't recall either of my grandmother's ever baking cookies for me. On a rare occasion, Mother did. As long as it was something that didn't require her to roll out the dough! LOL Mother simply didn't do that!

She did, however, always make sure that we had Christmas cookies...

...usually bought in a bag at the super market, although on occasion bought from a local bakery.

I loved the gay colors and how exciting it was to have them with a cup of egg nog on Christmas Eve!

But my absolute favorite of all time was the simple...

...gingerbread man!

When making them myself, I grated my own ginger so that the cookies had a zesty spice, almost like a ginger snap cookie! Yummy! Pair them with egg nog, or hot cocoa, and you have a treat you will certainly savor on Christmas Eve!!!

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