
Friday, December 2, 2011

Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories - December 2

Holiday Foods
Did your family or ancestors serve traditional dishes for the holidays? Was there one dish that was unusual?

This wasn't a hard one to come up with! Grandpa Dreher's favorite dish was sauerkraut with pork and potatoes.

Cooked slowly together all day in a Dutch oven on the stove top, or baked in a slow oven, this was a treat!

I still make this dish, especially for New Year's dinner, throwing in a little black eyed peas on the side, and a little cranberries for sweetness.

Grandpa once told me that Grandma Dreher made this to his liking, but no one could make it to compare to his Grandmother, who immigrated to this country from Germany's Rhineland region.

On my Dad's side of the family, Christmas dinner was usually the time when the prize ham was cooked. Sometimes with a rich gravy, and others baked sweet with brown sugar glazes and wild cherries. And I usually have a ham for Christmas as well.

What did your ancestors serve for Christmas? Do you still follow in their traditions?
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