
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

[Almost] Wordless Wednesday - A Look At A Previous Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving 1984 [27 years ago!]

This is my first husband and I with our five children.
Standing in the back on the left is Chris [he was 5 at the time]. Standing on the right in back is David [he was 4].
Seated left to right: Debbie [David's twin] was also 4. My first husband, Andy, holding Crystal [3 months old], and that's me holding Michael [21 months old].
Today four are married or in long term relationships, with children. Only one is single, and moved back home almost 2-years ago.
The ex-husband is single.
I remarried in 1998.

This seems like a lifetime ago!
I'll try to get a picture tomorrow to share with you of what this Thanksgiving looks like in comparison!

Do you have a Thanksgiving photograph from years ago?

How are your Thanksgiving celebrations different today than then?

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