Randy, over at GeneaMusings has offered up another great genealogy challenge for Saturday Night Fun! But like most other Saturdays, I didn't read the challenge until today! So, here I am, late as almost always! But found this another great challenge! Thanks again Randy! And please keep those SNGF challenges coming!
The Ancestors' Geneameme
The list should be annotated in the following manner:
Things you have already done or found: bold face type
Things you would like to do or find: italicize (colour optional)
Things you haven’t done or found and don’t care to: plain type
You are encouraged to add extra comments in brackets after each item
Which of these apply to you?
- Can name my 16 great-great-grandparents [have known these my whole life! can name them all from memory!]
- Can name over 50 direct ancestors [most definitely! have them stored in my genealogy file, not sure I can name them all from memory, but bet I can come close to!]
- Have photographs or portraits of my 8 great-grandparents [Have portraits and snapshots of all of my 8 great-grandparents, one taken in 1872!]
- Have an ancestor who was married more than three times [haven't found anyone married more than 3 times, but have several who were married 3!]
- Have an ancestor who was a bigamist [not that I have found so far]
- Met all four of my grandparents [only got to meet my paternal grandmother, and both of maternal. My paternal grandfather died before I was born.]
- Met one or more of my great-grandparents [I did not have any great-grandparents living by the time I was born]
- Named a child after an ancestor [No.]
- Bear an ancestor's given name/s [No.]
- Have an ancestor from Great Britain or Ireland [Yes! My gr-gr-gr-grandfather Bean was supposed to have come from Ireland.]
- Have an ancestor from Asia [No]
- Have an ancestor from Continental Europe [Yes. Maternal gr-gr-grandparents were from Germany and France. 6x-gr-grandparents paternal were from Germany]
- Have an ancestor from Africa [Not that I have found to date.]
- Have an ancestor who was an agricultural labourer [Almost all of my ancestors were farmers. A few were cabinetmakers.]
- Have an ancestor who had large land holdings [My paternal gr-gr-grandfather held over 1,000 acres of land.]
- Have an ancestor who was a holy man - minister, priest, rabbi [My grandfather was a Lutheran minister.]
- Have an ancestor who was a midwife [Not that I am aware of.]
- Have an ancestor who was an author [Not that I am aware of]
- Have an ancestor with the surname Smith, Murphy or Jones [There were a couple Smith's and I can readily locate two Jones']
- Have an ancestor with the surname Wong, Kim, Suzuki or Ng [No]
- Have an ancestor with a surname beginning with X [No]
- Have an ancestor with a forename beginnining with Z [No]
- Have an ancestor born on 25th December [No]
- Have an ancestor born on New Year's Day [No, but my maternal grandfather was born Dec 31st, New Year's Eve!]
- Have blue blood in your family lines [Supposedly, if using Plantagenent's Rolls I descend from Kings of England and royalty in Scotland]
- Have a parent who was born in a country different from my country of birth [No]
- Have a grandparent who was born in a country different from my country of birth [No]
- Can trace a direct family line back to the eighteenth century [Yes!]
- Can trace a direct family line back to the seventeenth century or earlier [Yes!]
- Have seen copies of the signatures of some of my great-grandparents [Yes! I have seen the actual signatures of my paternal gr-grandfather and gr-grandmother, and my maternal gr-grandmother!]
- Have ancestors who signed their marriage certificate with an X [No]
- Have a grandparent or earlier ancestor who went to university [Yes!]
- Have an ancestor who was convicted of a criminal offence [No]
- Have an ancestor who was a victim of crime [Yes. My gr-gr-grandfather Bean, as well as my gr-grandfather Bean were both shot in the head, victims of crime.]
- Have shared an ancestor's story online or in a magazine (Tell us where) [Yes, I have shared stories of many of my ancestors on my blog http://mountaingenealogy.blogspot.com ]
- Have published a family history online or in print (Details please) [Yes, I have published several volumes of family history on both my paternal and maternal lines, all are published through Lulu.com ]
- Have visited an ancestor's home from the 19th or earlier centuries [Yes. I have visited the home of gr-gr-grandfather Bean located in Monroe County, WV]
- Still have an ancestor's home from the 19th or earlier centuries in the family [Unfortunately no. Were I to win the lottery, that would be one of my first purchases!!!]
- Have a family bible from the 19th Century [My mother is in possession of grandfather Bean's Bible, which he received in 1880.]
- Have a pre-19th century family bible [No.]
Thanks, for joining the meme challenge. It's been a great way for me to meet new geneabloggers.