
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun...

We have another great SNGF challenge from Randy Seaver over at Genea-Musings. Here it is!

"Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to:

1) If you have your family tree research in a Genealogy Management Program (GMP), whether a computer software program or an online family tree, figure out how to find how many persons, places, sources, etc. are in your database (hint: the Help button is your friend!).

2) Tell us which GMP you use, and how many persons, places, sources, etc. are in your database(s) today in a blog post of your own, in a comment to this blog post, or in a Facebook status or Google+ stream comment."

Thankfully Randy inserted a few instructions to assist those of us who aren't as tech savvy as he is! Otherwise... well, let's just say I wouldn't have been able to perform this challenge without his help!

I am utilizing Family Tree Maker 2010 for my genealogy research. So, using the instructions Randy gave us on his site, I located the followng information:

People: 17,220
Marriages: 5,630
File Size: 52,766KB
Generations: 66
Surnames: 3,041
Average Lifespan: 62.6 years
Earliest Birthdate: 1066 A.D.
Most Recent Birthdate: 25 Nov 2010
Places:  4,500
Sources: 332
Media: 3,639

All in all, I found this challenge exactly that... a challenge! And by following Randy's instructions, I was able to meet that challenge and learn a little something new about the program I am using. [I had no idea I could locate this information this easily! So thanks Randy!]

Thanks Randy for yet another great SNGF challenge! Keep 'em coming, cuz I have a blast doing these!

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