
Friday, May 27, 2011

Family Recipe Friday - Mama's Washday Supper

I don't have a picture of this dish, as it's been quite some time since I last made it! But this is one meal that Maamade alot of when I was growing up. And she served it often to my children as well! It was a fast and easy meal to put together on a da when she was in a hurry to get other things done, besides standing over a stove cooking!

Mama's Washday Supper

1 [16-oz] box of elbow macaroni pasta
1 large jar of spaghetti sauce
1 [12-oz] package of hotdogs, cooked and then cut into round pieces about 1/4-inch each


Cook macaroni according to package directions.
Cook hotdogs according to package directions, and then slice into 1/4-inch round rings.
Mix macaroni, hotdogs and spaghetti sauce together.

You may serve this as is, or top with grated Parmesan cheese.

This was a real staple in our house! And Mama sometimes used homemade canned stewed tomatoes instead opf spaghetti sauce! Delicious! And the kiddies loved it!
It can also be served with garlic bread or toast.

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