The Blog that explores the adventures and exploits of the Mountain Genealogist.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Amanuensis Monday...William Caldwell Gets A Land Grant
pg 103
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William Caldwell
100 acres
James Monroe Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia To All
To WHom those presents shall come Greeting Show ye that by Virtue of
a Land Office Treasury Warrant number none thousand three hundred
[continued to page 104 at the top of the page]
three hundred and five issued the Twenty fourth of November one
thousand seven hundred and eighty one Here is Granted by the
said Commonwealth unto Willaim Caldwell a Certain tract or parcel
of land COntaining one hundred acres by survey bearing date the
twenty ninth day of March One thousand seven hundred & ninety
nine lying and being in the County of Botetourt on the waters of Stoney
and a branch of Craigs Creek a branch of James River Joining his own
land and bounded as followeth to wit beginning at a stake on the
side of the mountain and runneth thence forth seven degrees
east forty five poles, passing a double and two single black oals
and two chesnut oaks at twelve poles to a black oak and white
oak on a hill side comes to his own land thence with the lines
of the same north fifty eight degrees east ninety six poles to a
black oak and white oak on a hill side north seventy eight degrees
and sixty poles to three hickory saplings south eight seven degrees
east one hundred and sixty four poles to two hickories south
fifty two degrees and thrity four poles to a gum and sugar tree
on a line of the land Pierce Neidy bought of Isaac Taylor thence
with the same being his own land south three degrees west
thrity two poles to a white oak and ash thence leaving said
land north seventy two degrees west eighty two poles to two
white oaks to _____[illegible] oaks and a chesnut on the side of a
mountain thence north sixty nine degrees west one hundred and
twenty two po;es to a stake thence south fifty eight degrees west,
one hundred and seventy poles to the beginning with its
appurtenances to have and hold the said tract or parcel of
land with its appurtenances to the said William Caldwell
and his heirs forever in witness whereof the said James
Monroe Esquire Governor of the COmmonwealth of Virginia
hath hereunto set his hand caused the lasser seal of the said
Commonwealth to be affixed at Richmond on the thriteenth
day of February in the year of Our lord one thousand eight hundred
and one and of the Commonwealth the Twenty fifth.
James Monroe
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