The Blog that explores the adventures and exploits of the Mountain Genealogist.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Amanuensis Monday...William Caldwell Gets A Land Grant
pg 103
bottom of page
William Caldwell
100 acres
James Monroe Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia To All
To WHom those presents shall come Greeting Show ye that by Virtue of
a Land Office Treasury Warrant number none thousand three hundred
[continued to page 104 at the top of the page]
three hundred and five issued the Twenty fourth of November one
thousand seven hundred and eighty one Here is Granted by the
said Commonwealth unto Willaim Caldwell a Certain tract or parcel
of land COntaining one hundred acres by survey bearing date the
twenty ninth day of March One thousand seven hundred & ninety
nine lying and being in the County of Botetourt on the waters of Stoney
and a branch of Craigs Creek a branch of James River Joining his own
land and bounded as followeth to wit beginning at a stake on the
side of the mountain and runneth thence forth seven degrees
east forty five poles, passing a double and two single black oals
and two chesnut oaks at twelve poles to a black oak and white
oak on a hill side comes to his own land thence with the lines
of the same north fifty eight degrees east ninety six poles to a
black oak and white oak on a hill side north seventy eight degrees
and sixty poles to three hickory saplings south eight seven degrees
east one hundred and sixty four poles to two hickories south
fifty two degrees and thrity four poles to a gum and sugar tree
on a line of the land Pierce Neidy bought of Isaac Taylor thence
with the same being his own land south three degrees west
thrity two poles to a white oak and ash thence leaving said
land north seventy two degrees west eighty two poles to two
white oaks to _____[illegible] oaks and a chesnut on the side of a
mountain thence north sixty nine degrees west one hundred and
twenty two po;es to a stake thence south fifty eight degrees west,
one hundred and seventy poles to the beginning with its
appurtenances to have and hold the said tract or parcel of
land with its appurtenances to the said William Caldwell
and his heirs forever in witness whereof the said James
Monroe Esquire Governor of the COmmonwealth of Virginia
hath hereunto set his hand caused the lasser seal of the said
Commonwealth to be affixed at Richmond on the thriteenth
day of February in the year of Our lord one thousand eight hundred
and one and of the Commonwealth the Twenty fifth.
James Monroe
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Who Do You Think You Are Reviewed From February 25th - Kim Cattrall
The lovely Kim Cattrall was the focus of Friday's NBC Who Do You Think You Are?.
After last week's extraordinary job with actress Rosie O'Donnell, we had high hopes of a repeat for this week! Last week, you will recall, genealogists reviews were overwhelmingly hearty regarding the research process and places of research shown in the O'Donnell search.
This week, I have to give NBC a ...
...thumbs down on their program!
I for one was completely disappointed in the lack of showing, or explaining, the research process. Once more we were entreated to what appears the information magically handed to the celebrity!
I do applaud the program for unveiling a hauntingly sad family history! It certainly made for good television viewing, and I am sure the ratings went up!
However, one could not but feel disheartened for the family who is gathered at the end of the program and made to sit there before the camera as the results of the research are revealed to them. After all, we weren't talking about ancient history here, but rather the father of the three women who sat before the camera.
Let me explain...
Bristish born actress, Kim Cattrall grew up in CAnada. She has been a successful actress since the age of 19, but is probably most well known for her roll as Samantha Jones on the tv program Sex in the City.
Cattrall comes from strong United Kingdom stock, but says the greatest mystery to her family has always been what happened to her grandfather, George Baugh, who disappeared some seventy years ago.
Cattrall visits with her mother, Shane Cattrall, and Shane's two sister's Marjorie and Dorothy. The girls were quite young when their father disappeared, one was only a year old. They tell Kim all that they know, which is little.
George Baugh left his home early one morning, he told his eldest daughter that he wanted her to go with him, she said she wanted to stay with her mother. He then simply left and was never heard from again.
The ladies have one photo of him, and it's not good. It is of a wedding, and the party is standing in front of a house. George's face can be seen peering from a window in the portrait.
The sister's mother was left with no money and no way to support her family. George's family had nothing to dow ith them. Mother, Marion Baugh, was forced to sell everything, even the furniture was sold to support the girls.
"You don't understand what it was like with no furniture and always going hungry!", one of the three told Kim. "It was a nightmare..."
The sisters did produce a newspaper clipping for Kim, which had an article showing George's mother, Amy Baugh, having sewn a wedding gown, which her daughter, Edna Radliffe, then gave to her own daughter, Leslie, to wear when she was wed, in 1980.
It was the only clue Kim had to go on.
Kim stated, "I'm very angry at him and I don't even know who he is!"
Kim enlisted the aid of a London researcher to search for documents which might pertain to her grandfather, George Baugh. While she awaited that, she went on to Liverpool to see if she could find someone who knew Edna Radcliffe or her daughter Leslie, and find more information regarding George if she could.
Going to the address in the newspaper article, Kim found no one at home. So she knocked on the door of the nearest neighbor. Here she actually found a woman who had once worked with her aunt Dorothy in a senior housing facility. She did in fact know Edna and had kept in contact with her. Edna was still living, and the woman gave her the address of Edna Radcliffe.
When Kim arrived at the address, she was pleased to find that not only was Edna at home, but that George's sister, Amy Garrett was still alive as well.
"When George was young he used to run away from home all the time and get into all kinds of trouble with authorities. It broke his mother's heart," they told Kim.
George told his mother, Amy Baugh, that he was unhappy in his marriage and wanted out. Amy told him that in effect he had "made his bed and now he had to lie in it". Amy sent George back home and told him to make things work.
George was never heard from again. Neither his mother, nor his sister's ever knew what became of George.
Amy Garrett and Edna Radcliffe were able to show Kim photographs of the family, although there weren't any of George.
Amy stated, "I'd just love to know what happened to him..."
Unable to learn anything after George's 1938 disappearance, Kim returned to her hotel in time to receive a package from the London researcher.
Opening it up, only moments after beginning to rread Kim let out, "Oh my God! The son of a b- - - - !"
In the contents were the marriage record of George Baugh to Isabella Oliver for 05 Aug 1939.
George was a bigamist.
"I knew he was gutsy," stated Cattrall, "but now he's a criminal."
The marriage record was from the County Durham. This being the biggest clue as to what happened to George, Kim was off to County Durham.
"I need to find out if he had children," cattrall informed Archivist Liz Breazzi.
Found in the Tudhoe directory on 1 Welsh Road, George was living next door to Isabella's family with his own.
Checking parish records, beginning in 1939 forward, they found the birth of three children to George Baugh and Isabella: Penelope Isabella on 07 Aug 1949, John Oliver in Apr 1952 and in 1959, George William Jr. [Kim later discovered there was a daughter born in another Parish before 1949, Irene.]
Off to Tudhoe Cattrall went. She stopped at a local pub in the village to see if anyone knew of the Baugh's or Oliver's. But they didn't. Checking the phone directory, she did locate a Margaret Oliver. Calling the number she found a woman named Maisie Oliver, who was married to William Oliver, Isabella's brother. Yes, she had known Cattrall's grandfather George.
They agreed to meet.
On her way to meet with Maisie, Kim states, "I'm reallu hoping for a picture, I'm hoping to see something of remorse in his face..."
Sheila Curtis, Maisie's daughter, meets Kim at the door and introduces her to Maisie.
"We called Isabella "Bella",' states Maisie.
Maisie stated that George met Bella in Manchester in 1938. They were married and came to Tudhoe to settle. They had four children [the oldest, Irene was born in MAnchester before the move to Tudhoe].
Maisie had a photograph of George and Isabella's wedding. Sadly, George had cut himself out of the photograph, as though he didn't want to ever be identified. She also showed a photo of Bella with her oldest baby.
George was secretive, he never told anyone anything of his past, and Bella never knew.
At long last, came the photo that Cattrall had been waiting for. A photo of George. It showed a fresh faced George in H.M.S. Naval uniform, with a young Isabella and Irene. Following that was a family photo with the couple and three of the children.
"He's living right in the moment and never looking back," Kim stated.
Maisie stated he was loving and thoughtful of his youngest four children, but had never revealed he had three other daughters that he'd literally abandoned.
Maisie states that in 1961 George and his family emmigrated to Australia. Bella didn't want to go, "But his word was law!"
Kim stated, "He altered a lot of peoples lives!"
Cattrall heads back to Liverpool with the knowledge that she uncovered on that George died in 1994, four years later, Isabella also died.
From here, Kim comes back to her mother and her two aunts with this sad, sad tale.
Kim is loving and concerned as she tells the story, gently, but bluntly.
When handed the photograph of George and Isabella's wedding and told his face was not in his own wedding portrait, Shane responded, "Why am I not surprised..."
Dorothy lowers her head and weeps. "I've waited so long to see his face!", as the other photos are one by one revealed, of George with his happy family.
"It's just a bit too much... too much information!" cried Marjorie.
As she looked at the photo of George with his family lying on the beach, Shane stated, "Not a care in the world! He blanked us out like we didn't even exist!"
George Baugh died with his secret.
"I feel relieved," stated Shane. "Now I have some closure. Well, George Baugh, I wish you could see us now!"
Kim closed the program with this statement, "I think this is the biggest joy George Baugh ever brought, this joy in my Mom and her sisters. And this is my joy!"
A written statement at the very end stated that the three sisters had been in contact with their half-siblings in Australia, and were planning to get together to meet one another soon.
To me, it lacked genealogy. Instead, it was more sensationalism than research.
I for one was underwhelmed, and I hope there will be better research and reveal in next week's celebrity story with singer/ song writer, Lionel Ritchie. You can be assured, I'll be watching!!!
52 Weeks of Personal Genealogy & History - Week #9 - Sounds
Week #9 – Sounds
Week 9: Sounds. Describe any sounds that take you back to your childhood. These could be familiar songs, jingles, children playing, or something entirely different.
Okay, so maybe this is a bit of an odd one for some people.
The sound that rushes me back to my childhood, is the sound of cast iron hitting a stove top.
Yep... that sound that your cast iron skillet makes as it comes in contact with your stove burner. [You cooks out there know exactly what I'm talking about!] No other cookware sounds the same.
That sound meant that Grandma or Mama were frying up potatoes and onions, or making a pan of cornbread!
Today I hear that sound frequently in my house, and my main cookware is cast iron [it simply can't be beat!]. Cast iron is not only durable, lasting a lifetime, you can also pass it down to your great-grandchildren... how do I know? I have a cast iron skillet that belonged to my Great-Grandma Banet! She gave it to her daughter when she married. Who in turn gave it to my Mama when she married. Who in turn gave it to me when I married!
I'm simply drawn back when I hear that familiar little clang!!!
What sounds reminds you of your choldhood???
Friday, February 25, 2011
I'm Off
I'm off to enjoy a blog-free day!
Have a blessed day, one and all, and I'll see you all tomorrow!
Have a blessed day, one and all, and I'll see you all tomorrow!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Tombstone Tuesday... Arminta V.E. Steele Dunbar
AGE 53
It was a lonely little tombstone, and with the last name Dunbar, in our rural area, I knew it had to tie in somewhere in the genealogy I was working on for my dear BIL. But where?
I wasn't finding this name on Census records, or vital records.
And then I noticed this...
BORN 1869
DIED 1933
Checking my family's files we had an orphan Dunbar [not attached to any family files, except to a marriage. But we hadn't placed him in the Dunbar family yet. But wait?
W.H. Dunbar in my files was married to Arminta V.E. STEELE. She was the daughter of my gr-gr-gr-aunt, Martha Caroline BEAN and her first husband, Thomas B. STEELE. Could the "V" stand for this rather odd, Virlilia?
Suddenly, after 13 years of searching, the pieces finally came together.
In the West Virginia Archives, I found William Harvey DUNBAR, the son of Robert Sylvester DUNBAR and Nancy HUFFMAN married to Virlilia Ann STEELE.
While I still don't know exactly when Virlilia died [I've not located her death record yet], I do know that she was born 24 Sep 1856 on Potts Creek, the childhood area of Martha Caroline BEAN, and the BEAN family. We know that she must have died sometime between 1910 and 1926 [the last Census we can find her on is the 1910] and her husband, William Harvey DUNBAR remarried in 1926 to Mary HOKE HAMILTON, a widower.
Virlilia and William lived in an area known as Irish Corner, near the present day community of Organ Cave [which is still nicknamed Irish Corner].
The couple are buried here... Elizabeth Chapel Cemetery...
...along with several of their children.
And to think... it all started with a simple walk through a cemetery, and no real research in mind!
Remember... always carry your camera with you, as well as a notebook and pen when in the field! You never know what you'll find!!!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Amanuensis Monday... Letter from Johnson's Island
Johnson's Island was located near Sandusky, Ohio and was used as a Confederate Officer POW prison during the Civil War. A few years ago I acquired this letter from a collector:
It reads as follows:
It reads as follows:
Johnson's Island, Sandusky, Ohio
May the 6th 1862
Dear Madam,
Understanding that
that you are secretary of a
benevolent committee formed for
purpose of furnishing clothes to
the Confederate prisoners I
write to ask you to send me a couple
of overshirts, woollen if possible
also a suit of clothes
I am five feet, eight inches
If you can, conveniently do
so please to send me a pair of
boots, I wear sivens. If you will
have the kindness to attend to
this immediately, I will be
under eternal obligations to
you, Believe me Dear Madam
Your much obligated and
obedient servant
John Elsathine Jr."
Sunday, February 20, 2011
52 Weeks of Personal Genealogy & History - Week #8
Week #8 – Technology
Week 8: Technology. What are some of the technological advances that happened during your childhood? What types of technology do you enjoy using today, and which do you avoid?
Oh my!!! This is a loaded question!!!
While I was born in 1959, you won't believe everything that has happened in my personal lifetime! [I'm sure I'm not alone at being amazed at this!]
While the microwave was already invented by the time I was born [invented in 1946], it didn't become a household appliance until Amana produced the first domestic oven in 1967. And even then, alot of of people were a little afraid of it. It was big, bulky, and had a top power of only 1000 watts! Today I do use a microwave on occasion. Mostly for heating up left overs. I do not utilize it for cooking, but enjoy cooking on the stove top much more!
The first human space flight did not occur until 12 Apr 1961 when cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin went to space! And you can bet your bottom dollar, I was glued to the television when men first landed on the moon on 20 Jul 1969! We all were!!! It was truly an historic event that no one in our country wanted to miss!!!
The first call on a portable occurred in April 1973 by Martin Cooper. The phone weighed over 2 pounds!!! I do own a cell phone, but mine is never turned on. I simply have one for emergencies when I am on the road. I bet in the 7 years I've had this phone I haven't made more than 12 calls on it! It doesn't do anything special. Simply is a plain cell phone that makes calls [I can't even text on it!] Hubby insisted I have it since we live rural, and I often travel for genealogy research and business and might need it if I broke down somewhere along a lonesome road. Hasn't happened yet... but ya never know!
While the electric toothbrush was invented in 1938, the first one to hit the American market wasn't until 1960 and was marketed by the Squibb company under the name Broxodent. No... I don't have an electric toothbrush. Never liked the things. Tried one as a kid, and I never liked them!!! Give me my old fashioned hard bristled toothbrush and dental floss and I am happy as a clam!!!
The first hand held calculator was not invented until 1967 by Texas Instruments. Even throughout my college years, these were not allowed in the classroom. When my own children began school and they were a mandatory part of their classroom equipment... I actually went to the school to make sure I was receiving the correct list! Yes... my third grader was required to have his own calculator. Unfortunately, my children rely upon a calculator for the simplest of mathematical problems, even today, as adults. On the other hand... while I have a calculator, and do on occasion utilize it... I most often found using a tablet and pencil when figuring up numbers I need!!!
The first personal computer was not truly invented until 1976 for Apple by Steve Jobs and Steve Woznak. Although technically, Xerox created ALTO in 1972, it was Apple that first marketed the PC.Obviously from my web presence, I have a PC. However, I do not own a blackberry, iPhone, iPad, or other technological gadget that would allow me to connect with the Internet otherwise. I own a Dell All In One...
... I've had this one for about 12 months now and love it!!!
But when was the computer itself invented?
The Z1 originally created by Germany's Konrad Zuse in his parents living room in 1936 to 1938 is considered to be the first electrical binary programmable computer.
Can you believe that my first computer training was using punch cards for a Xerox that was as big as my entire living room???
Hubby now uses a netbook that is only 6" x 8"!!!
I could go on and on... cameras have evolved like nobodies business! My first camera was a Brownie! [Remember those? You had a square viewer through the top of the camera, and had to look down into the camera to get a refracted image in order to take the picture!]
Today I use a Kodak digital camera that I can use a portable storage card in and upload the photos directly to my computer and print off. No taking the film to a camera shop and having the film developed and waiting a week or more for the pictures!
Had to go to the drive-in or the theater for watching movies!!!
We've gone from VHS to DVD to Blue Ray here!!!
And what about cable tv? The first pay cable television was not out until November 1972. [It was NEVER available where I lived until AFTER I was married!] Today not only is cable television available, but so is satellite and in all of its many forms!!!
Yes, I do have cable. It also brings in my computer's internet service, which we route wirelessly in the home. We also have a box that connects to our home's router that brings in rental movies through a system known as Netflix! We rent a movie and watch it streaming directly to our television!!!
Debit cards are another thing that came along in my lifetime.
When Hal Lindsey wrote The Late Great Planet Earth he described such things as the debit cards, and computerized money transactions at the gas station and grocery store, as well as the bar code system. We all thought he was crazy then [1970]. Little did we know... he knew exactly what he talked about! [Yes... these things were known then and the bugs were being worked out of them way back then!]
Yes... I have a debit card. Use it almost exclusively as a matter of fact.
Electronic gas pumps are another new thing! Use them as well! Swipe my card, fill my tank... all the time!
Electronic books and libraries!!! Who'd have thunk???
Kindle, Nook, Sony Reader... got them all. But I STILL prefer a regular book any day. My house is room to room book cases, and I wouldn't trade a one for a Kindle full of them! There's just something about curling up with a book, a warm blanky, and fire in the fireplace, that doesn't compare with curling up with a Kindle! So while I have them... I seldom ever use them, unless there's material I want immediately and can download.
I am sure I could go on.
I remember my Grandmother saying the same thing I say today... the world has certainly changed into a scary place since I was a kid!
Thanks for this prompt. It really made me think!!! My grand children are going to get such a kick out of this one!!!
Sentimental Sunday... Otis & Lorene
Otis Lee
Lorene Banet
[1909 - 2005]
Otis Ray Lee Sr. was born 12 Jun 1908, in Kentucky, to Albert and Polly Lee. He was one of five children born to the couple.
He married, Lorene J. Banet, who was born 15 Jan 1909, in Indiana, to Francis Isidore Banet and Adeline Josephine Eve. She was the youngest of eight children.
The couple were married 05 May 1934 in New Albany, Floyd, Indiana.
Otis and Lorene had five children: Emma Jean; Otis Ray, Jr.; Ruth; Norman; and Suzanne.
Otis died in March of 1986. He is buried in the Edwardsville Cemetery, Georgetown, Foyd, Indiana.
Lorene died 27 Mar 2005, and is buried beside of Otis.
In May 2007, their son, Otis Jr. died and is buried in the same cemetery.
Lorene was the sister of my Grandmother, Irene C. Banet Dreher.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Who Do You Think You Are Reviewed from 18 February 2011
NBC's Who Do You Think You Are certainly did an improvement with last night's episode, featuring comedian/ actress Rosie O'Donnell.
For once, WDYTYA actually featured, and talked about some of the research techniques involved in this amazing, and heartwarming tale of an immigrant family!
The episode opened with O'Donnell meeting with her brother, who was the keeper of the family photographs. He showed her a portrait of a young woman from their grandmother's home. They remembered the portrait always hung in the home's playroom. It was of a lovely woman, and looked to be from the 1880's or thereabouts.
Going to the Library, O'Donnell found that Grandfather's father, MIchael Murtha, had been previously married, as she searched through old census records. The 1880 Census showed him married to a woman that was not her grandfather's mother, but named Anna. Rosie had to determine what happened to Anna.
Heading to the New York Archives, she found Anna's death certificate. Under the cause of death, she discovers the woman was injured in an explosion from an oil lamp, and lingered 21 days before succombing to her injuries. O'Donnell's next step is to see if she can find an obituary or newspaper account of the accident.
Heading to Brooklyn's Historical Society, O'Donnell does indeed find the obituary. Here she does find the obituary, and finds out that the young woman was actually cooking breakfast for her husband with an infant in her arms, when the infant pulled the oil lamp over, and there was an explosion. The infant escaped, unharmed. This infant would be her grandfather's half-sibling!
Now, Rosie had to determine what happed to the baby.
She headed to Greenpoint, in Brooklyn to the Catholic church closest to the place her ancestor's had lived. St. Anthony Alphonsus. There with the help of the church historian she found in the records of baptism, that her great-grandfather and his wife Anna had baptized a baby girl, Elizabeth Murtha in 1881.
Desiring to know what happened to baby Elizabeth after losing her mother, Rosie then contacted genealogist Suzanne Nurnberg, who found Elizabeth on the 1900 Census. Ms. Nurnberg even handed O'Donnell a complete genealogy on Elizabeth's descendants. Elizabeth had married a man named Frank Smith and had four children.
O'Donnell was now off to Seacaucus, New Jersey to meet with Elizabeth's living descendant's. Her grandchildren!
Those descendant's readily recognized their grandmother as the woman in the portrait that O'Donnell's brother now had. They also gave O'Donnell a copy of Anna's obituary so that she could learn more about the woman, who had lived to be an elderly woman.
O'Donnell's focus now shifted to her grandfather's father, Michael. Census records indicated he was born in French Canada, and his parents both born in Ireland. So O'Donnell headed to Notre Dame Basilica in Montreal and met with archivist Guillame Lesage.
Lesage found an 1855 baptism [25 Feb 1855] in Montreal for Michael and his parents are listed as Andrew Murtaugh and Ann Doyle. Murtaugh was listed as a "day worker".
Lesage suggested O'Donnell head to the National Archive of Quebec to see if they could determine when and how the family had immigrated. Here she met with archivist Denyse Beaugrant-Champagne, who located an 1860 Census with the family on it. There was Andrew and wife Ann along with 6 children, 3 whom were born in Ireland, and 3 [including her great-grandfather] who were born in Canada. The National Archive was also able to tell her that Ann died around 1876.
And so, O'Donnell headed to La Biblioteque to locate Ann's obituary. There, checking the microfilm hereself, O'Donnell found Ann's obituary. She died 19 Jun 1876. Her obituary listed her as beloved wife of Andrew and a native of Kildare, Ireland. At this point O'Donnell burst into a song about County Kildare that her father used to sing, and wondered aloud if it was somehow connected.
So... off she flew to Dublin, Ireland, and here she met with genealogist Nicola Morris, who had found some records on the family, and was able to further direct her to Parish Blessington, County of Kildare. She suggested that O'Donnell head there, checking the local church for Baptism records.
Of the three known children born in Ireland, Daniel, Elizabeth and Timothy, O'Donnell found Daniel and Eliza's baptismals. Not finding Timothy's, she did uncover a fourth child born to Andrew and Ann, Patrick, who was baptized in 1846.
Patrick was baptized just prior to the great Potato Famine which resulted in mass starvation on the continent. O'Donnell wondered if Patrick had been lost to this great famine, as he was never found in immigrant records.
She then headed to Kildare Library where she met with Executive Librarian Mario Corrigan who pulled out the Minute Book from June 1854 of the Poor Law Union. It was to this "welfare assistance" group that one could apply for paid passage to North America. To qualify for this asisted immigration one had to have been in the workhouse. This was at the height of the famine, and was essentially considered "the last stop".
Corrigan found in the minutes, Andrew, wife Anna and four children. A proposal was made by George Wolfe for the family to be given the assistance to immigrate to Canada.
Discussing their obvious dire conditions and reasons for wanting to immigrate, O'Donnell commented, "It's very overwhelming....It's pretty intense to think about."
Wanting to know as much as possible about their conditions immediately prior to their immigration, O'Donnell heads to the site of the very last standing workhouse in County Kildare, where she is met by Professor Gerard Moran and given a tour and information regarding the facility.
Meeting at the front door, women would be escorted to the left, and men to the right, children aged 2 to 15 were taken to respective gender dormitories, in the attic. Each dormitory, adult and child, held 40-50 straw mattresses, which were kept directly on the floor. Here as many as 4 people at a time would sleep in a single bed. Of course this led to harboring of disease. When cholera and typhoid epidemics ran rampant through the facility, as many as 10 persons a day would die.
"I don't know if there's ghosts here or what.... but I can definitely feel a heaviness, oppressive presence," O'Donnell commented as she walked through.
After viewing the facility and walking through the tour, O'Donnell is obviously emotionally touched and spent, she commented on the atrocity and then said, "Now get me the hell outta here!"
Once outside, O'Donnell stated it helped her to see that her pain wasn't the only pain suffered in her family [O'Donnell and her siblings lost their mother when she was only 10 years of age]. Of this, she stated, "It doesn't diminish my own pain, but it's no longer the focal point. And that's a blessing." She went on to state she had come to peace with her own loss by finding out what her ancestors had endured.
"I can't wait to tell my children the story of the fragility of life... we have the choice to focus on the horrors or redemption, and we choose the redemption."
By far the most excellent piece that WDYTYA has done to date. And to think, since I was not a real fan of Rosie O'Donnell, I even contemplated not even watching last night! You can bet for certain, I'll be glued for each and every episode from now on!
Surname Saturday...Wade
Today we'll take another visit down my husband's ancestral line and visit the WADE family!
Joseph Wright HENRY and 3. Betty Louise Rotge. He married Cynthia Ann BEANE in Covington, Alleghany Co., VA, daughter of Walter Maxwell BEANE and Lois Velleda DREHER. She
was born in New Albany, Floyd Co., IN.Generation 2
Batesville, Panola, Mississippi. He was the son of 4. William Lee HENRY and 5. Emma Louise
PETTIE. He married Betty Louise Rotge on 30 Jul 1947.
Jourdanton, Atascosa, Texas. She was the daughter of 6. John Cornelius ROTGE and 7. Ora Lee
Children of Joseph Wright HENRY and Betty Louise Rotge are:Generation 2
Batesville, Panola, Mississippi. He was the son of 4. William Lee HENRY and 5. Emma Louise
PETTIE. He married Betty Louise Rotge on 30 Jul 1947.
Jourdanton, Atascosa, Texas. She was the daughter of 6. John Cornelius ROTGE and 7. Ora Lee
Children of Joseph Wright HENRY and Betty Louise Rotge are:
+ 1. i. Johnnie Lee HENRY was born in San Antonio, Bexar Co, TX, married
Cynthia Ann BEANE in Covington, Alleghany Co., VA
ii. Allan Ray HENRY was born 22 Sep 1950 in Bexar County, Texas, died 29 Jan 2001 in
Pleasanton, TX, married Aramadina L. Castillo in Bexar County, Texas.Generation 3
Fulton, Fulton, Kentucky. He was the son of 8. Sterling Price HENRY and 9. Fannie UNKNOWN. He
married Emma Louise PETTIE.
in Fulton, Fulton, Kentucky. She was the daughter of 10. Timothy Martin PETTIE and 11. Elizabeth
Ann WILLIAMS.William Lee HENRY was born on 17 Jul 1892 in Cayce, Fulton, Kentucky. He died on 24 Jan 1965 inEmma Louise PETTIE was born 16 Jun 1895 in Columbus, Hickman, Kentucky. She died Aug 1985Children of William Lee HENRY and Emma Louise PETTIE are:
i. Dan S. HENRY was born 22 Feb 1919 in Tennessee, died May 1985 in Fulton, Fulton,
ii. Betty Lee HENRY was born 10 Jun 1920 in Kentucky.
iii. Frances V. HENRY was born 15 Aug 1926 in Fulton County, Kentucky.
+ 2. iv. Joseph Wright HENRY was born 20 Sep 1927 in Fulton County, KY, died 16 Nov 1993 in
Batesville, Panola, Mississippi, married Betty Louise Rotge 30 Jul 1947.
v. Hugh E. HENRY was born 27 Aug 1930 in Fulton County, Kentucky, died 28 Sep 1995 in
Fulton, Fulton, Kentucky.
vi. Don S. HENRY was born 31 Oct 1931 in Fulton County, Kentucky.
vii. Lora D. HENRY was born 31 Oct 1931 in Fulton County, Kentucky.Generation 4
KY. He was the son of 16. Strother F. HENRY and 17. Lucinda Josephine WADE. He married Fannie
Children of Sterling Price HENRY and Fannie UNKNOWN are:
i. Ethel HENRY was born Apr 1885 in Illinois.
ii. Victoria HENRY was born Mar 1888 in Illinois.
iii. Ellis R. HENRY was born Mar 1890 in Kentucky.
+ 4. iv. William Lee HENRY was born 17 Jul 1892 in Cayce, Fulton, Kentucky, died 24 Jan 1965 in
Fulton, Fulton, Kentucky.
v. Frank HENRY was born Oct 1894 in Kentucky.
vi. Flora HENRY was born Apr 1897 in Kentucky.
vii. Fannie HENRY was born Apr 1900 in Kentucky.Generation 5
in Fulton County, Kentucky. He was the son of 32. John D. HENRY and 33. Elizabeth ALEXANDER.
He married Lucinda Josephine WADE on 25 Nov 1846 in Fulton County, KY.
County, Kentucky.
Children of Strother F. HENRY and Lucinda Josephine WADE are:
i. Patrick Bruce HENRY was born Sep 1851 in Fulton County, Kentucky, died 25 Mar 1907 in
Fulton County, KY, married Helen Acie CLARK 29 Nov 1877 in Tennessee.
ii. Victoria A. HENRY was born 1854 in Kentucky.
iii. Franklin P. HENRY was born 11 Feb 1856 in Fulton County, Kentucky, died 15 Oct 1893 in
Fulton County, Kentucky.
iv. Fannie F. HENRY was born 1859 in Kentucky.
+ 8. v. Sterling Price HENRY was born Apr 1862 in Kentucky, died 16 Jul 1914 in Fulton County,
vi. Nettie E. HENRY was born 1864 in Kentucky.Strother F. HENRY was born on 08 Jun 1821 in Gallatin County, Kentucky. He died on 17 Nov 1877Lucinda Josephine WADE was born 13 Aug 1823 in Kentucky. She died 15 Aug 1894 in FultonSterling Price HENRY was born in Apr 1862 in Kentucky. He died on 16 Jul 1914 in Fulton County,Fannie UNKNOWN was born Oct 1865 in Illinois.Joseph Wright HENRY was born on 20 Sep 1927 in Fulton County, KY. He died on 16 Nov 1993 inBetty Louise Rotge was born 30 Aug 1930 in Kerrville, Kerr, Texas. She died 05 Jul 2003 inJoseph Wright HENRY was born on 20 Sep 1927 in Fulton County, KY. He died on 16 Nov 1993 inBetty Louise Rotge was born 30 Aug 1930 in Kerrville, Kerr, Texas. She died 05 Jul 2003 inJohnnie Lee HENRY was born in San Antonio, Bexar Co, TX. He was the son of 2.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Family Recipe Friday....Grandma's Old-Fashioned Bread Pudding and Vanilla Sauce
Grandma Dreher's Old-Fashioned
Bread Pudding with Vanilla Sauce
- Pudding Ingredients
- 4 cups (8 slices) cubed white bread
- 1/2 cup raisins
- 2 cups milk
- 1/4 cup butter
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 2eggs, slightly beaten
- 1 tablespoon vanilla
- 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
- Sauce Ingredients:
- 1/2 cup butter
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar
- 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream
- 1 tablespoon vanilla
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Treasure Chest Thursday... Marion Dreher Grose
Marion Dreher Grose
[It was cool to smoke then!]
Marion 1962.
Laura Marion Dreher Grose
1931 - 2006
We miss you Aunt Marion!!!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Searching For.... A Review
I had spent the past several weeks in high anticipation of this show's premier! I simply couldn't wait!!!
I had only read excellent reviews of the work of genealogist Pam Slaton, and expected great things from the show.
Instead... I was so disappointed!!!
Another "reality show" that at times seems to be scripted.
Ms. Slaton must, indeed, do alot of research to get the research she does get.... however, of the examples given on Monday evening, she was looking only for living relatives. In both accounts on Monday she was searching for a connection for a child given up for adoption. The first was for the birth mother, the second for the child.
She was successful in both cases.
However, nothing of the search process is shown, nor even discussed. It appears that a client shows up at Ms. Slaton's home, only to magically have her hand them the results of her search!
While I highly applaud Ms. Slaton's efforts, the show itself is a waste of my time, and I won't be watching again.
It's simply another of Oprah Winfrey's failures in television, and that's in my own humble opinion.
I would prefer to see something that at least hints at what the process involved for Ms. Slaton. Even mentioning the records she searched, which is never done, would seem helpful.
Of course, if you are into reality television... then this just might be your cup of tea.
While I can certainly see where Ancestry's Who Do You Think You Are? can show improvement, it is heads and shoulders above anything Searching For... puts forth.
I, for one, won't be wasting my time next Monday evening, when I can be using that time to apply to my own research instead.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Tombstone Tuesday...Daniel Boone
Birth: | Nov. 2, 1734 |
Death: | Sep. 26, 1820 |
Frontiersman. Born in Pennsylvania, the sixth of twelve children to Quaker parents, Squire Boone, a weaver and blacksmith and Sarah Jarman Morgan. As a boy, Boone received an elementary education. The Boone family left Pennsylvania around 1750 and eventually settled in North Carolina. In 1756 Boone married neighbor Rebecca Bryan. The couple would produce ten children. In 1769, he set out with five others to explore the border region of Kentucky territory. They passed Cumberland Gap and on June 7, and set up camp at Station Camp Ceek. They explored Kentucky as far west as the falls of the Ohio. In 1773 he returned home, sold his farm and set out with his family, two brothers, and five other families, to settle in Kentucky. They were intercepted by Shawnee in an attack that resulted in the death of Boone's oldest son, James. The party was forced to retreat to the Clinch River. Two years later, Boone succeeded in founding Boonesborough, Kentucky near present day Lexington. During the American Revolution Boonesborough became the site of several battles. It was besieged at least three times over a period of months. The Battle of Blue Licks on August 19, 1782, almost ten months after the surrender at Yorktown, was a decisive victory for a combined force of 1000 British regulars and tribes from the Ohio nations. It also cost the life of Boone's second son, Israel. After the war, in 1792, Kentucky was admitted into the Union as the 15th state. Litigation arose that questioned many settlers' title to their lands. Boone lost all his property due to lack of clear title. In 1795 he settled on the Femme Osage Creek, in St. Charles County, Missouri. He was appointed commander of the Femme Osage district, and received a large grant of land for his services, which he subsequently lost because he failed to make his title good. His claim to another tract of land was confirmed by Congress in 1812, in consideration of his services. Rebecca Boone died in 1813. The St. Louis Enquirer of October 14, 1820 ran an obituary notice that read: "DIED.- On the 26th ult. [Sep.] at Charette in the ninetieth year of his age, the celebrated Col. DANIEL BOONE, discoverer and first settler of the State of Kentucky." In 1845 in a controversial move, the remains of Boone and his wife were relocated from Missouri to Kentucky. There is some controversy surrounding the final disposition of the Boones' remains. Some say Daniel and Rebecca's remains are still in Missouri, and that the wrong bodies were removed and re-buried. Others have demanded the return of the bodies to Missouri. |
Frankfort Cemetery *
Franklin County
Kentucky, USA
*Alleged or in dispute
The Missouri Marker
OCTOBER 22, 1734
SEPTEMBER 26, 1820
DIED MARCH 18, 1813
Kentucky Marker in the Frankfort Cemetery
Frankfort Cemetery
Frankfort, Franklin, Kentucky
Monday, February 14, 2011
Searching For... Premier's Tonight!
Searching For the latest in new programs on the OWN [Oprah Winfrey Network] will premier this evening at 9 p.m. [EST].
Read all about the new generalogy/ people search program here.
I will be glued to my television set!
I will be glued to my television set!
Amanuensis Monday... Joseph Wiseman Files For Pension
State of Virginia
Monroe County
On this 27th day of November 1832 personally
appeared before me, Hugh Caperton, a magistrate in afor
said County and made oath according to law, that he was
drafted, he thinks, in the month of July 1776 in the country of
Berks and State of Pennsylvania to serve a tour of duty of
three months, as a soldier in the army of the Revolution
in Captain Thomas Perry's Company, that he did serve
in said company the full term of three months & then was
discharged in the City of Philadelphia; that in the
month of August or September 1778, he volunteered to serve in Captain
Nickell's Company for a term of nine months & that he did
serve in said company, in the Carolina's the full term of
of [sic] nine months according to his engagement at the end of
which time, he received a written discharge from Cpt. Nickell
for said service as a soldier, during this time of service of
nine months he was under the command of Col. Sack and Gen. Rutherford
that was in actual service in the Army of
the Revolution as a common soldier the full term of one
year; besides being on personal furlough for the space of
three months, having substituted to serve in the _____[illegible] of a
man, whose name he has forgotten; that he was born
in the year 1759 in the County of Berks and State of Virginia
Pennsylvania, as he has read the records of it in his Father's
bible, from which he recorded it in his own bible which is
now in his possession that he did on the 22nd day of August
1832 in the County Court of Monroe make his declaration
upon oath stating more particularly his service in detail,
that he is known in his personal neighborhood to William
Rice, James Mann, William _____[illegible] and Rev. David
Riffe who can testify as to his character for honesty,
and their belief as to his services as a soldier of the
Joseph Wiseman
Sworn to & Subscribed before
me the 27 day of November 1832
Hugh Caperton, J.P.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
52 Weeks of Personal Genealogy & History - Week #7
Week #7 – Toys
Week 7: Toys. What was your favorite childhood toy? Is it still being made in some form today?
This was a no-brainer!
What was my favorite choldhood toy???
I spent hours, day after day playing with Barbie!
And I probably had every item you could ever own for Barbie!
When money was tight, Mom spent hours and hours cutting and sewing tiny little outfits for my Barbie, that looked exactly like the ones for sale! She made them from scraps left over after she made dresses for my sister and I. So... all of our friends were jealous! We had matching outfits with our Barbie dolls!!! I can remember Debbie's mother calling mine and asking her where she found the Barbie dresses and our dresses that matched!
Barbie had cars. Before we owned the real thing [and even before Mattel came up with idea to manufacture autos for Barbie] my sister and I tool cereal boxes and made them into cars for our Barbie. We took saltine boxes and made out Barbie a van, or a bus, complete with seats and steering wheels in the interiors, and wheels on the exterior!
Barbie had surfboards during the '60's. And as we grew a little older, Barbie became more glamorous and had ballgowns! And then we introduced her to Ken! Ken was handsome and debonair! He was also dressed appropriately. During the day wearing a suit and tie to work, in the evenings he wore a smoking jacket, and when they went on the town... Ken wore a tuxedo! Sometimes a snow white one!
Eventually, Barbie and Ken were married, and Barbie had a glorious wedding gown! And her trousseau was quite large! Bikin's for the beach in Waikiki, and ballgowns for evenings in Paris! They had an extensive honeymoon! Why.... my Barbie was even introduced to the Queen of England at Buckingham Palace!!! Prince Charles was a young man then, and I wouldn't be at all surprised that he made a play for her! At the very least... he flirted outrageously with her!
Barbie was, of course, quite the beautiful lady.
If Barbie were a real woman, she would stand 6-foot tall, and weigh a mere 100 pounds. Her measurements would be...
Bust: 39-inches
Waist: 21-inches
Hips: 33-inches
I'm still looking for a Barbie that looks like a real woman!
I have a feeling she'd look more like...