
Monday, January 31, 2011

Amanuensis Monday

The above document is a pay voucher for William Bean, of Monroe County, West Virginia during the Civil War.

It reads as follows:

No. 22
The COnfederate States
To: Wm M Beane Pri Co F 22 Brig
To Extra duty as Ferryman at Greenbrier Bridge
as per order from Brigade HQTP from 14th day of
February 1860 to 25th day of May 1863 Making one
hundred days (100) at 25 c per day.             $25.00

William was a double agent during the Civil War. He was enlisted in the Union Army, which caused a great rift between him and his family. He then, by all appearances, enlisted in the Confederacy. However, when taken prisoner in Maryland, was taken to Elmira Prison in New York, where he was soon after transferred to Ohio in the Union Army. And remained there until the close of the war. His records are interspersed throughout both forces [Union and Confederate].

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