
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories: December 9 - Grab Bag


Author's choice. Please post from a topic that helps you remember Christmases past.

Christmas 2009
Chris, Cyndi, Kaylee and Nana

Last year was the very first year I was involved ina  four generation photograph in which I wasn't the one holding the infant.

The new baby, Kaylee, wasn't my first grandchild... but she was the first where we actually got a four generation photograph!

It was a bit of a strange sensation to be the "Grandma" in the photo! I mean... I look at this photo and I don't see two old grandmother's here! And yet, that's Mom and I there!

From the left is my eldest son, Chris. Married with three beautiful girls. That's me holding Chris' youngest, Kaylee, born 11 Nov. 2009. And that's my Mother on the right.

Christmas is a great time, as family gathers near, to get some of those much longed for photographs! Keep your camera in hand though! Those shots are fleeting and you want to be ready! You might want to get a pocket sized digital camera. Guys can drop it in their shirt pocket. Gals can put it in their apron pocket, or even their slacks pocket, making it accessible for a quick photo!

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