
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories: December 8 - Christmas Cookies


Did you family or ancestors make Christmas Cookies? How did you help? Did you have a favorite cookie?

As far as I know, my ancestors didn't go all out and bake regularly for Christmas. However, Mother did on occasion make whatever kind of drop cookie [does not require rolling out or cutting!] cookie she could think of during the holidays. [You'd have to know my Mother.... she was never very good in the kitchen... and I say that very lovingly!] And Mother usually preferred kitchen work on her own... not sharing the duty with us. As we got a bit older, she would totally relinquish any kitchen duties to my sister and I, and we did bake some kind of cookie every year.

The one cookie I never made that I truly loved.... Gingerbread men! And I do mean REAL gingerbread!!! The kind that leaves a bit of a tingle on the pallett! All decorated up with a smile on their face and buttons down the front! THOSE were MY favorites! [Still are!]

What about you?

This post is a part of the "Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories" meme created in 2007 by Thomas and Jasia. You, too, can write your own Christmas memories, either for your personal journal or blog. Visit Geneabloggers to participate and to read others' posts on these topics.

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