
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Open Thread Thursday... Genealogical Nightmare

GeneaBloggers has issued a new topic for Open Thread Thursday:
These week’s topic for Open Thread Thursday is:
While some of the information we dig up about our ancestors might frighten us or family members, there are other possible nightmares related to genealogy research: lack of access to records, the rising cost of performing research, etc. What is your genealogical nightmare?
While we live in a time when it seems there has never been more access to records – both online and offline – a variety of threats to such access exist. Picture a genealogy industry with reduced or restricted access and nightmare could become reality.

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Please either post on today’s topic of “genealogical nightmare” at your own blog and then post the link here in the comments or simply add your two cents in the comments section:
  • Are you concerned over the lack of access to records as more and more states work to restrict access due to privacy concerns? In your opinion, are such concerns especially involving identity theft true or false?
  • With the consolidation of the genealogy industry to just a few “big players,” are you concerned about the price of access to online records?
  • As state, federal and even some church budgets are constantly under pressure and funding is cut, what if some libraries and repositories reduce their hours or simply close?
  • Are there other scenarios you’ve considered that are just as scary?
This is a great topic for this week’s Open Thread Thursday! And please, if you have a topic you’d like to see discussed among your genealogy blogging colleagues, please contact us and we’ll take it under consideration"

My absolute worst genealogical nightmare would be a total repression of vital records! Be that online or at the source. And it is a very real possibility with today's ever identity-safing society!

Without vital records, genealogy research would come to a screeching halt as we would be totally unable to provide proof of individuals!

Or would we?

While it would sorely limit our research, for certain, there are some things that would still be available for us.

Family Bible records would be a starter. As would cemeteries and tombstones.

Can you think of other avenues that would still be open if all vital records, or court documents suddenly would become inaccessible to the public?

Gives me shivers just thinking about it! Hope I am already long gone by the time it should happen!

It would definitely be a nightmare!

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