
Friday, August 27, 2010

Follow Friday

Today I'd like to introduce you to Leaf, Stem, Branch, and Root.

I have been receiving this blog's posts through a feeder for a while now, and am thoroughly enjoying it!

The author, Kevin, has this to say on his profile: "For almost as long as I can remember, I have been interested in "old things." As I grew up, this interest was directed in various directions - old coins, old stamps, and so forth until it finally settled in genealogy and family history. Aside from the Lord and my family, genealogy and mathematics are my greatest interests. I also enjoy early Texas history and early American history."

I especially enjoy Kevin's old photograph's of his family! What wonderful portraits he includes in his varied posts!

He has also included some lovely old letters, which are transcribed, as well as shown in their original writing!

This is an enjoyable look into another family's search for it's origins and past, and I am sure you are going to enjoy Leaf, Stem, Branch, and Roots as much as I do!

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