
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sentimental Sunday - The Funeral Expenses

This is a receipt from the Broyles Funeral Home in Union, Monroe County, West Virginia, to my aunt, Rita Bean Holland, for $50. This amount was for payment for the funeral of my grandfather, John M. Bean, who died on 10 Apr 1954.

This receipt is dated 15 Apr 1954. And it is signed by funeral director, Stanley E. Broyles.

The funeral home, now known as Broyles, McGuire Funeral Home, is still in business. However, upon contacting them, they were unable to tell me what the full amount for the funeral was at that time. But they estimated it was probably about $200 or $250, and included the cost of the casket. The opening of the grave was probably by hand and was volunteer labor by community members.

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