
Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sentimental Sunday - Documenting the Silliness

Documenting The Silliness!

Here's a photo that I dearly love!

This was taken about three years ago. The man on the right is my Dad, Walter. The one on the left is one of my parent's dearest friends, Bob. Bob and his wife Betty [who introduced my parents to one another back in 1958] have been coming to visit my parents from Amarillo, TX for many, many years!

In this photo, Bob and Dad sported Mexican sombrero's, just to have their photo's taken! You can see on their faces what fun it was for them!

Of course, it was all in the act of just plain having fun and being silly! But isn't it equally important to document that our ancestor's had a good sense of humor and enjoyed being cut-ups and 'cards'?

Here's another photo of my Daddy. Sporting a World War II Navy 'Duck Hat'. [Dad is retired from the Navy, and collects Navy ephemera.]

As if to prove the "silliness" goes back even further [and on both sides of my family!] here's my maternal grandmother, Irene Banet Dreher. It is of course, dead of winter in this snowy photograph. Granny has donned my Uncle Billy's jeans and work boots to head out to the pump to draw water for the kitchen. [Probably taken about 1954 or 1955, in Floyd County, Indiana.]

And then, Grandpa wasn't no slouch in the silliness department either!

I've always loved this picture! It never fails to make me giggle!!! [Henry Dreher Jr., about 1950 or so.]

Grandpa was always teasing as well. As a child, I was a 'pouter'. Whenever things didn't go as I thought they should, my lower lip would come out and stay until things changed, or the adults simply couldn't stand to see it any more and sent me outside to play!

But Grandpa never failed to make me smile or laugh!

He would often get down on his knees in front of me and make faces as he sang, "I see the sun-shine peeking through the clouds!" [And he did the peek-a-boo hands over the face, like you do with a baby!]

If that didn't bring giggles, then he would sing, "Cyndi's mad and I am glad and I know what will please her! A bottle of ink to make her stink, and four little boys to squeeze her!"

Oh, I have those days now when I would give anything if Grandpa were here to make me smile or laugh once more!

Be sure to document the silliness in your family! What smiles you will be able to pass on to future generations are priceless!!!


  1. What a joyful blog to read this morning. Yes my grandpa had sayings and stories he told again and again. It is nice to share these memories. I have been wanting a post a thought lately---and your post is a great sagway into my subject.

  2. Great pics, but I especially love the one with Grandpa and the shoes! What a hoot! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Love the photos and the stories that go with them! I'd never heard the little "bottle of ink to make you stink" ditty. How cute! What a great "smile bringer" reading your post has been! Thank you!

  4. Just remembered what my dad used to say when my lower lip would come and stay a while.

    He'd say, "You get that lip out there any further and you're going to step on it!" Now I wonder whether it was his father or his mother who said that to him!
