
Friday, May 14, 2010

Follow Friday - Bill's Genealogy Blog

Today I'd like to introduce you to Bill Buchanan and Bill's Genealogy Blog.

Bill's Bio reads as follows: "I am a retired online school teacher. In July 2007 - January 2010, I provided part-time support for This was very rewarding. My greatest strength in this area is the free genealogy software Personal Ancestral File 5 (PAF5). I continue to help others with PAF and New FamilySearch. See "

I think it is safe to say, "Bill knows of what he speaks".

Bill's blog is a personal look his own family search. And as always, I am fascinated with how others fare in that journey!

Bill's blog is full of insight and is an enjoyable place to stop and read for awhile.!

Please take a few moments and visit Bill at Bill's Genealogy Blog. You'll be glad you did!

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