
Friday, April 9, 2010

Follow Friday

Today I'd like to introduce you to The Educated Genealogist  and writer Sheri Fenley.

Sheri's profile states: "I am a Professional Genealogical and Historical Researcher. I am working toward becoming a board certified genealogist through BCG."

This wonderful blog is both educational and fun to read! Sheri has a sense of humor that makes it a pleasure to visit.

But she doesn't stop there! Sheri also authors or co-authors these sites as well:
The Year Was...Shades of The Departed
The Educated Graveyard Rabbit
and The Graveyard Rabbit

If you haven't met Sheri yet, you are in for a treat! So, hop on over and take a peek at what The Educated Genealogist  has to offer! You'll be glad you did!


  1. This is the first time anyone has "Followed Friday" me. I am delighted that you read my blog and that it amuses you :) It's what I do best. I mean amuse people, it's what I seem to do best. Now if I can just dazzle them with my brilliant research I will rule the world! Bwwhahah (manical laughter)
