
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Fearless Females - 3/25/10

Thanks to the Accidental Genealogist for the Blogging Prompts for Fearless Females for March!

March 25 — Tell how a female ancestor interacted with her children. Was she loving or supportive? A disciplinarian? A bit of both?

All I really know about is my two grandmothers when it comes to how they interacted with their children.

My Grandma Bean was a quiet woman. Dad says she used to be strict, but was always fair. She wasn't a woman to raise her voice, although he says he certainly got his hide tanned a few times while growing up!

My Grandma Dreher however, was another matter. While she was not loud, she pretty much attempted to rule the roost. And Grandpa pretty much let her, unless she just totally went against the grain. She was not one to lavish "I love you's", hugs, or praises on her children. However, she was quick to praise them to others! She had a fierce pride in all of her children.

My own parents were total opposite of their mothers. Both could raise their voices when they wanted! And while Mom was a strong disciplinarian, she was more likely to hug and kiss! So, she was really a bit of both!

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