
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Fearless Females - 3/24/10

Thanks to the Accidental Genealogist for the Blogging Prompts for Fearless Females for March!

March 24 — Do you share any physical resemblance or personality trait with one of your female ancestors? Who? What is it?

I can’t say that I take after any one female ancestors. I suppose I am an amalgamation of several. I look at my Great-Great-Grandmother Benzel, and I see my eyes and chin. Looking at my Grandma Bean, I see my cheek bones [and my thinning hair!]. I see my Great-Grandmother Faudree and I see my complexion.

I physically resemble almost every single one of my female ancestors within the last hundred years or so, in one feature or more at least!

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