
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Winter 2010 GeneaBlogger Games

And the games are on!

They actually began yesterday with the parade of banners/flags.

Here is my flag!
You will note  that this is a combination of the German flag [upper left] the Irish flag [lower left] and the American flag [right]. My ancestors came from Germany and Ireland. Which is why the two flags are prominent here. On the right you will note the red and white stripes of the American flag, representing the original colonies. Those same ancestors fought in the American revolution to proclaim those original colonies as America! And overlapping all is the 50 stars of the American Flag. Representing the 50 states. From which the inhabitants came from a multitude of nationalities, including the flags represented here.

Perhaps not the most original of the banners, it is heartfelt nonetheless.

The following 6-categories are among the "games":

Competition Categories – Winter 2010 GB Games

1. Go Back and Cite Your Sources!

We all know how important our research is – but it is only worth the evidence that supports it! Have you ever looked at an entry in your database and wondered, “Where did that come from?” or “How can that be?” All events can and should be backed up by linking them to sources and evidence using a consistent and clear citation format.

Create proper citations of sources for as many events possible using either Evidence Explained: Citing History Sources from Artifacts to Cyberspace by Elizabeth Shown Mills or How to Cite Sources by John Wiley.

Qualifications for “Go Back and Cite Your Sources!”:

•10 Citations – Bronze Medal

•20 Citations – Silver Medal

•30 Citations – Gold Medal

•40 Citations – Diamond Medal

•50 Citations – Platinum Medal

2. Back Up Your Data!

Backup data to choice of formats (flash drives, CDs, DVDs, online) or storing hard copies properly (safety deposit box, safe, etc.).

•Task A: Prepare a comprehensive backup plan for your digital research files and a security plan for your hard copies and photos.

•Task B: Secure your hard copies and photos in waterproof containers.

•Task C: Backup all your data using a flash drive, an external drive, CDs, DVDs, or an online resource

•Task D: Have all your hard copies and photos scanned and secure them either in a fire-proof safe or offsite in a safety-deposit box/secure environment

•Task E: All your data is backed up digitally and secured physically and you can recover from any disaster while losing only one month or less worth of research

Qualifications for “Back Up Your Data!”:

•Complete Task A – Bronze Medal

•Complete Task B – Silver Medal

•Complete Task C – Gold Medal

•Complete Task D – Diamond Medal

•Complete Task E – Platinum Medal

3. Organize Your Research!

So you have plenty of research – that’s okay if you can find what you need when you need it, right? Take time to review your collection of documents and photos, both hard copy and digital, and work to organize those items for easy access.

•Task A: Organize at least 20 hard files or ancestral items (books, fabrics, inherited items) into file folders, boxes, envelopes, containers, etc.; archival-quality where appropriate.

•Task B: Organize at least 20 digital files into folders, label, add metadata, add descriptions, add tags, etc.

•Task C: Organize at least 20 photos into photo albums, scrapbooks, collages, protective holders, boxes, etc.

•Task D: Organize at least 20 digital photos into folders, label, add metadata, add descriptions, add tags, etc.

•Task E: Create at least 20 data entries in your database, or scan 20 photos, or scan 20 documents.

•Task F: Create a master list of your files and notify your family members of where it is stored.

Qualifications for “Organize Your Research!”:

•Complete any one task – Bronze Medal

•Complete any two tasks – Silver Medal

•Complete any three tasks – Gold Medal

•Complete any four tasks – Diamond Medal

•Complete five or more tasks – Platinum Medal

4. Expand Your Knowledge

Very often we get “settled in our ways” and are afraid to try new things. Or we’ve convinced ourselves that we already know how to complete certain genealogical tasks. Try out these challenges to get new perspectives on your genealogical skills.

•Task A: Use Google Maps to map out an ancestral location. Create a map that you can then embed into a blog post. To learn more see Google Maps and Carnival Posts at Bootcamp for GeneaBloggers.

•Task B: Create a timeline related to one of your lines of research, a specific ancestor or location. Get creative using a free application such as TimeToast. Post your timeline on your blog.

•Task C: Create a memorial page for an ancestor using either Footnote’s Create A Page feature or their Facebook application I Remember.

•Task D: Visit tutorial and learning pages of popular websites such as or FamilySearch’s excellent articles repository.

•Task E: Create a surname visualization using Wordle, Word It Out or a similar application. Post the graphic to your blog.

Qualifications for “Expand Your Knowledge”:

•Complete any one task – Bronze Medal

•Complete any two tasks – Silver Medal

•Complete any three tasks – Gold Medal

•Complete any four tasks – Diamond Medal

•Complete any five tasks – Platinum Medal

5. Write, Write, Write!

Do you find birth dates, death dates and all the data boring if there’s no narrative behind it? Don’t you find the stories about ancestors more attractive than cut and dried census data? It takes time to be able to write about your family history and the more you write and the more often you write, the easier it is to bring your family to life for others to see.

•Task A: Write a summary of what your blog is about and post it on your blog – you may not have done this since you started the blog and it is a great way to have new readers learn more about your site. If your blog uses the Blogger platform, consider using the new Pages feature as described in Blogger Announces New Pages Feature.

•Task B: Participate in a genealogy or family history related blog carnival. See the AnceStories post February 2010 Calendar of Events for a list of these carnivals and their submission URLs and deadlines.

•Task C: Prepare several posts in draft mode and pre-publish them.

•Task D: Write a brief biographical sketch on one of your ancestors.

•Task E: Create a page on your blog listing surnames, ahnentafel reports or using some other topic. This will help new visitors to your blog understand your area of research. Again, consider using the new Pages feature as described in Blogger Announces New Pages Feature.

•Task F: Participate in a 52 Weeks To Better Genealogy Challenge.

Qualifications for “Write, Write, Write!”:

•Complete any one task – Bronze Medal

•Complete any two tasks – Silver Medal

•Complete any three tasks – Gold Medal

•Complete any four tasks – Diamond Medal

•Complete five or more tasks – Platinum Medal

6. Reach Out & Perform Genealogical Acts of Kindness!

•Task A: Comment on a new (to you) genealogy blog. See the New Genealogy Blogs tag at GeneaBloggers for the newest blogs.

•Task B: Post one or more gravestone photos at Find A Grave.

•Task C: Invite other genealogists to join Facebook, GenealogyWise, Twitter or some other social media network where genealogists meet.

•Task D: Assist another researcher with a research request or lookup. See AnceStories “Random Acts of Kindness Week” posts for ideas for this item and Item E

•Task E: Participate in an indexing project.

•Task F: Join a genealogical, historical, heritage or lineage society.

•Task G: Use the Follow feature on a Blogger-based genealogy blog and follow one or more blogs.

Qualifications for “Reach Out & Perform Genealogical Acts of Kindness!”:

•Complete any one task – Bronze Medal

•Complete any two tasks – Silver Medal

•Complete any three tasks – Gold Medal

•Complete any four tasks – Diamond Medal

•Complete five or more tasks – Platinum Medal
And so with that in mind....
the torch is lit.....banners unfurled....

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