
Friday, February 19, 2010

Follow Friday - 19 February 2010

Today I’d like to introduce you to GeneaBlogie, which is written by H.C. Manson.

GeneaBlogie always offers thoughtful, and insightful, posts that will interest, educate and motivate you as a genealogist. I always leave GeneaBlogie feeling better for having spent a little time there.

Professor Manson is also a frequent contributor to Footnote, where I found his profile, which reads as follows: “Law professor and public policy specialist at University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law in Sacramento. Genealogical researcher and history writer focusing on southern Illinois, northwest Missouri, Texas Gulf Coast, Louisiana, middle Georgia.”

Professor Manson’s expertise in the field of genealogy research, and in writing, shine through in his every post and make this a perfect spot to spend an enjoyable afternoon. I highly recommend to you GeneaBlogie.

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