
Friday, January 8, 2010

Follow Friday - January 8, 2010

Today I'd like to introduce you to yet another blog that I follow, Ancestors Magazine, from across the pond in the UK.

Written by various contributors, and overseen by the editor of Ancestors Magazine, I find this blog not only informative, but a delightful read! Filled with facts, and articles instrumental in helping the average, and the professional, researcher in genealogy; but also with articles that are filled with history, hope, and remembrance of days and family members gone by.

The editor of the magazine is Simon Fowler, and what an excellent job he does! While his American counterparts do an equally excellent job, I do believe they could learn a thing or two about versatility from this man!

The Blog site has excellent resources listed, as well as a terrific indexed archive of past articles and posts. It is beautifully set up and easy to navigate. It is a joy to sit down and spend a cold afternoon with a cup of hot tea and just read. You'll be surprised at how close the blog site mimicks the ease of reading a good periodical!

If you aren't yet following this site, I highly recommend it. You can go here to sign up for their RSS feed; and here to sign up for their free newsletter. But no matter which you receive, be sure to visit the site often , you'll be so glad you did!

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