
Friday, January 22, 2010

Follow Friday - January 22, 2010

Today I’d like to introduce you to Elyse’s Genealogy Blog

The byline on this blog reads: “This blog is all about genealogy. I am a college student who has been bitten by the genealogy bug. This is my place to share my family tree, my tips and suggestions, along with my genealogy related opinions.”

The author of this blog is ELYSE DOERFLINGER.

Elyse has this to say about herself:

“I'm a college student that has is very addicted to genealogy. I've been researching for the last 6 years, but over the last year, I have been redoing my genealogy to be sure that everything is properly sourced. I write two blogs, have a video blog, and you'll often find me on Facebook.”

Elyse is an excellent writer. She authors two blogs:

The Graveyard Rabbit Student!
And Elyse’s Genealogy Blog

Elyse can also be seen on YouTube where she authors and “stars” in her own genealogy info films.

This young woman has been a guest speaker at several genealogy events, and will be a speaker at the Southern California Genealogy Jamboree this year.

Elyse is a vibrant speaker, and writes from a broad base of genealogy knowledge with authority on the subject. Don’t let her youth fool you! She really is an up-and-coming genealogy star!

If you’re not currently reading Elyse’s blog, I urge to head on over there and begin now! Yes, she can even teach an old dog a few new tricks!!!

By the way, so nice to see someone of her youth becoming so well advanced in the field of genealogy!


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