
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Treasure Chest Thursday - December 24, 2009

It's Christmas Eve. And so this Treasure Chest Thursday, I went digging for this picture. I am hoping to combine it with my Christmas Wish list.

This is a picture of my very best friend from the way back years [this was taken in 1973 -when we were both just very young teenagers!]. About 1988 I lost touch with her, and this Christmas, I would like to be able to find her and touch base with her once more!

My post for Treasure Chest Thursday are my friends.

I have few and far between "best" friends. In all the years of my life there have been but 3 who have stood out so strongly. Debbie, whom I met when I was but 7 years of age. And whom is still a dear, cherished friend. Barbara [above], whom I met at 11; and lost touch with in 1988. And Lynda, whom I met in 1979, and am still absolute best friends with!

Barbara was my first real confidante. She was the one I told my first heartbreak to. The one who knew of my first kiss. The one whom I shared my engagement and marriage with. The one who shared my first baby's birth story with.

In 1979 I had my first baby. So did Barbara. [I lived in WV and Barabara in VA at the time.]Only, Barbara's first baby was twin girls!!! We were 19! [Just babies ourselves!] And then in late 1980 I had another baby. Only, this time, I was the one having twins! It was Barbara's calm and experience that got me through the initial shock of finding out I was having twins! "Why, of course you can do it!", she wrote to me in Germany where I was living at the time. "If I can do it, then you know you can do it!" She introduced me to the LaLeche League and Mothers of Twins. [Both groups which supplied me with enough information that I did make it through those difficult times!]

Barbara went on later to have a son. And I went on to have 2 more babies after that.

In 1987, I was back in WV, and Barbara lived in VA, still. We decided to go to nursing school. It wasn't a joint decision. It was just something we both hit upon, and it would seem our decision was made at the same moment!

In the winter of 1987-1988, during the height of our studies, we somehow lost track of one another. Our final letter promised that once we graduated in 1988 we would get all caught up again.

I never wrote. Neither did she. And the years have slowly slipped away.

I was divorced from my first husband. Married to a wonderful man now. And I don't know about Barbara.

Now, of course, I am a Grandma. And I would suspect she is, too.

This last year, I have spent many hours pouring over materials, directories and registries, attempting to locate Barbara. But to no avail. There are just too many individuals with her same maiden and married surname, and that match her age range. I've written to several [probably to about 40] in the last year alone, in hopes I might find her. But I have not received a positive reply. Although, one woman did write me back and said she would attempt to help me locate Barbara on her end.

I'd like to combine Treasure Chest Thursday, with my Wish List for Santa today. And maybe, just maybe, Santa would leave me Barbaa's email address in my own Inbox tonight! How I'd love to hear from her! To touch base with her! Just to find out how her life has turned out. Know that she is happy.

Barbara's maiden name was Sanderlin. And she married Charles "Chuck" Young in 1978. They were still married in 1987. They had 3 childen: Amy, Kimberly [born 1979 - twins] and a few years later, a son, Chuck Jr.

I miss my old friend! So vey much!!! So, Santa, if you're listening... perhaps you could help me out.... just this once.

And Barbara, if by chance you are reading this..... Merry Christmas dear friend! I still keep you in my prayers! And cherish every memory with you!

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