
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - What Did You Get

Randy's challenge for this week is:

"Your mission, if you decide to accept it (cue the Mission Impossible music) is to:

1) What gift that you received for Christmas is your favorite for genealogy purposes? Book, magazine, hardware, software, website subscription, research time - what was it, and how will it affect your genealogy research?

2) Tell us about it in a blog post on your own blog, in a comment to this blog post, or in a comment on Facebook in response to this post."

Oh, this is gonna be easy! I gave my dh strict instructions.... leave Santa a note for me, because I want plenty of new clipboards and legal pads! [I go through them like crazy! And I usually have 6 or 7 clipboards holding various degrees of research at my elbows at any one given moment.]

Santa was so good to me! I got 4 new clipboards, and 6 new legal pads in my goodies!!!!

Ain't I the luckiest????

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