
Saturday, December 5, 2009

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - December 5, 2009

Randy Seaver over at GeneaMusings, issued the following SNGF [Saturday Night Genealogy Fun]:

1) Write a letter to Genea-Santa and ask for only ONE thing. It could be hardware, software, a missing family Bible, a record that you desperately want, etc.

2) Tell Genea-Santa what a good genea-girl or genea-boy you've been this past year and give examples.

3) Exhibit your posts on your own blog, in a Facebook post commenting on this note, or in a Comment to this blog post.

So, with that challenge in mind, here is my response:

Christmas 2009
Dear Genea Santa,
I have only one Christmas gift I'd like for this year. It's one I've wanted for a very, very long time! Genea Santa, could you please give me the ancestry for our elusive William McBean? I've been searching for many years to find out for sure where he came from, and I haven't had any luck at all! I don't know when or where he was born, or who his parents were!
I've been a very, very good girl this year! I have been blogging every day like a good girl should. And I have been working every day for genealogy clients! I do most of my work pro-bono [not for profit] simply because I love research and genealogy! I have even been nice to clients who make it very hard to be nice to! [Especially the ones who would rather I write a "fairy tale" than to tell the truth when something turns up in their ancestry that they don't like!]
I have incorporated the "green" thinking to our family newsletter, and we have gone digital as of November! With over half of our subscribers now receiving our newsletter digitally, it is saving us nearly $2000 a year!
I helped to raise funds to have a long-lost family cemetery fenced and the tombstones in that cemetery repaired!
I was named President of our family reunion committee!
Oh, Genea Santa, I have been very, very good! And I promise to do even more next year. Won't you please, please, pretty please, bring me ol' William's ancestry???
Your Genea Friend Always,
P.S. I promise to leave you extra cookies and milk, and even some carrots for the reindeer Christmas Eve!

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