
Monday, December 28, 2009

Madness Monday - December 28, 2009

This Madness Monday, I would like to discuss my Wickline ancestors.

Again, this is another line of family I have had very little time to research, and am hoping the New Year affords me the time I need to research more of my own ancestry properly.

I begin with my what information I have regarding the Wickline's.

1 Cynthia Ann Beane - b. 1959

2 Walter Maxwell Beane - b. 1937 M: Lois Velleda Dreher

5 Mary Elizabeth Faudree - b. 03 Jun 1897 - d. 01 Jan 1975 M: John Monroe Bean

10 Stephen Ledford Faudree - b. 08 Jul 1857 - d. 16 Jan 1929 M: Elizabeth Carnefix

21 Mary Margaret Wickline - b.1831 - Monroe County, [W]VA - d. Unk M: Richard C. Faudree

42 Elijah Wickline - b.1799 Monroe Co., [W]VA - d.27 Jun 1879 Sweet Springs, Monroe Co., WV M: Elizabeth Lewis

84 Jacob W. Wickline - b. 25 May 1750 Berks Co., PA - d. 26 Dec 1821 Sweet Springs, Monroe Co., [W]VA; M: Catharine Sparr

168 Johan Georg Wickline - b. 1717 Pfaltz, Germany - d. 31 Oct 1754 Robeson Twp., Berks Co., PA - M: Anna Christiana Roth

It drives me mad that so very little information has been located on these persons! An occasional death record, and an occasional Census record. Nothing more. I am trusting 2010 to be a more fruitful year!!!


  1. I am a decendent of Stephen and Eliza Faudree, Baker, and Wickline families. I have a great deal of research and pictures. If you would like to compare research, please contact me.

  2. To bradspencer1004 - Since you do not have your profile accessible I could not send you a private message. I too have quite a bit of info on these families. I collaborated directly with Ralph Faudree in researching them, as well as my own. Would love to compare notes. Please send me your email!

  3. I have a list of Arthur Allen Wickline's entire family tree,Elijah Wickline, etc. --my mother, Lucy, was his third of four daughters. We could talk perhaps. Find me on facebook Patricia James or at my google account . This is a fantastic blog.
