
Friday, January 1, 2010

Follow Friday - 01 Jan 2010

With the start of the New Year, I have decided to share with you, once a week, those Blogs that enrich my genealogy reading experience. I don't utilize as many as I'd like, because if I did, I'd spend all day reading and never get any research done!

So, let me start by beginning alphabetically (seems to be the easiest way to organize this list for everyone!), and begin with the letter "A".

Today I'd like to introduce you to "Ancestor Search Blog".

The one line message under the title states, "Genealogy search news & help to find your ancestry and build your family tree."

I don't know who writes this great blog, other than someone listed as "Kathi" on the posts. No information is given on the author. But "Kathi" certainly caovers a ton of information! Everything from Picasa software, to Family Tree Maker, and Legacy genealogy programs. You'll also find updates on informational websites, such as Footnote, Ancestry and Bing search engine.

This blog was listed as one of the top 25 Genealogy Blogs for 2009 by ProGenealogists and is a recipient of the "Thinking Blogger Award", which is presented to blogs that "make you think".

This well written, and informative, blog is a must-read on my list, and I suggest you add it to your favorite reader as well. You're sure to find an article written there to help you in your own genealogy quest!

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