
Sunday, December 6, 2009

Blacksheep Sunday - December 6, 2009

John Bean
(Aug. 1790 - Sep. 1872)
There is so very little that I can tell you about John Bean. And so, regardless if he was a "blacksheep" or not, I enter him here, if only for the reason that he remains elusive!
I know from his death record that John Bean was born in August of 1790 in Greenbrier County, West Virginia. It is presumed that he is a son of our infamous William McBean. In February of 1804, he was placed up for indenture in what is now Monroe County [at the time of his birth, this part of Monroe County, was still known as Greenbrier County].
From there, we do not find another mention of John Bean until his death is reported in September 1872 by his friend O. Bobbett. Cause of Death is listed as "Unknown". John is listed as "Single".
However, I believe he might have been married at one time. In the Greenbrier County records, [mistakenly indexed under "Beard", is a John Bean who married a Nancy McClung on May 26th, 1819. However, I cannot locate a death record for Nancy, so I am unsure when she might have died. If she pre-deceased John, it is possible he was a widower when he passed away, and his friend Bobbett mistakenly listed him as single.
Irregardless, John Bean remains elusive to my searches, and therefore, a 'Blacksheep' if for no other reason than his stubborn records remain hidden from my search!

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